1) Painful Truths Prt. 1

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Rip Claw- Everyone was dead silent as this small teen just suddenly appeared curled in a tight ball.

Harry- I curl in on myself due to the immense pain. (Gasps Sharply)

Rip Claw- The boys back is practically shredded and there seemed to be older scars. (Hisses Disdainfully)

Lucious- I happened to be out with my wife and son, just walking into the Goblin run bank when the teen seemed to have popped in. (Snarls) Looking his body over, there is obvious signs of abuse. "How dare anyone touch him in such a vile way!"

Narcissia- Before anyone or the Goblins could move, I was already kneeling on the floor beside the boys head. "Hush child, everything is going to be okay. You're safe now." Looking towards the closest Goblin. "We need to get him to the medi-ward NOW!"

Nip Wick- Clambering out from behind my desk, I conjure up a stretcher for Lady Malfoy. "Right this way..." I lead the way down a few hallways into the fully equipped medi-ward.

Narcissia- After gently levitating the teen unto a bed, I transfigure his clothes into a pair of soft shorts. (Hums) With a flick of my wand I cast a quick diagnostic.

Draco- Leaning into my father with my fingers twisted into his robes, I look at the other teen fearfully. "Is he gonna be okay mamma?"

Lucious- I run my fingers through Draco's hair in a soothing manor.

Bill- I walk out of the bathroom after getting redressed. "Mr and Mrs Malfoy..." I look between the two confused.

Lucious- I look up at the eldest Weaselly child. "What are you doing back here?"

Bill- "Well I work for Gringotts as a Curse Breaker, I'm back here because of a spell gone wrong. You?"

Lucious- (Nods) I gesture down to the abused teen.

Bill- My eyes widen at the sight of the brutally mutilated child. "What in Merlin's name?!"

Narcissia- The scan finally finishes and I take the parchment reading it over. (Squeals Indigently) "I don't even know if I can fix half of this!"

Lucious- Taking the parchment I read it out loud for both William and Draco;

'Medical Diagnostic
(Medical History)

Name; Harry James Potter
(Hadrian Roark Stark)

Gender; Male

D.O.B; July 31
Age; 17

Blood Type; Half

Creature Inheritance; Blocked

Age 1; Healthy, Forced Glamor

Age 2, Healthy

Age 3; Healthy

Age 4; Healthy

Age 5; Magic/Core Binding, Creature Binding, Obliviates, Malnutrition, Bruised Jaw, Broken Fingers (Right Hand)

Age 6; Malnutrition, Broken Ankle (Left), Broken Ribs, Fractured Skull

Age 7; Malnutrition, Bruised Neck, Bruised Ribs, Broken Arm (Right)

Age 8; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Broken Ribs

Age 9; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Whip Gashes, Knife Gashes

Age 10; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Whip Gashes, Burns, Broken Fingers (Left Hand)

Age 11; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Burns, Whips Gashes, Knife Gashes, Obliviates

Age 12; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Broken Ribs, Obliviates, Broken Arm (Left), Love Potions, Basilisk Venom and Phoenix Tears

Age 13; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Broken Ribs, Fractured Skull, Whip Gashes, Obliviates

Age 14; Malnutrition, Whip Gashes, Knife Gashes, Bodily Bruising, Burns, Rape

Age 15; Malnutrition, Whip Gashes, Knife Gashes, Bodily Bruising, Burns, Rape (Loss Of Child), Advanced Love Potions

Age 16; Malnutrition, Bodily Bruising, Broken Ribs, Broken CollarBone, Dislocated Shoulders, Shattered Fingers, Broken (Right) Wrist, Dislocated Hips, Broken (Left) Leg, Dislocated (Right) Ankle, Fractured Skull, Rape, Whip Gashes, (Forced) Creature Inheritance'

(Sneers) "Heal him to the best of your abilities, I'll be back." Walking over to the closest fire place, I grab a handful of floo powder and spit out the name of the office to the DMLE.

Draco- We watch my father disappear in the green colored flames. "Someone's in trouble aren't they mommy?"

Narcissia- With the help of the medi-ward Goblin we get Hadrian stabilized. (Sighs) "Oh a lot of people are in trouble my little Dragon."

Bill- (Snarls) "Starting with my family!" Leaving the medi-ward I go have a talk with Rag Nook the Gringotts manager, then I follow after Lucious to the Ministry.

Draco- (Mutters) "Shit just got real."

Narcissia- I give my son a smack. "Language Draconian Malfoy."

Draco- (Blushes) "Sorry..." Sitting beside the bed, I watch mother as she works.

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