Special Dares Starring Rapunzel!

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Rapunzel: Wait a minute. Does the title say DARES?! With an S?! I agreed on ONE DARE-

TwilightSky11: Sorry, Punzie, but if Olaf gets three questions, you have to do three dares.

Rapunzel: THREE?!

I dare you to play Minecraft for an hour!

Anna: YES I MUST PLAY TOO! *Pulls out two random ipads and downloads the full version of Minecraft on both devices*

Hans: The computer version is MUCH better.

Anna: Shut up, Minecraft noob.

Hans: :'O *Runs away*

TwilightSky11: Awww, look what you did Anna!!!

Anna: What?! You can't blame me! He tried to KILL ME!

Rapunzel: Can I just play a Minecraft now?

Anna: It's not a Minecraft, Punzie, it's the GREATEST GAME EVER!

Elsa: I like Hay Day better.

Anna: *Ignores Elsa* Anyways, here's how you play Minecraft. *Shows Punzie how to play Minecraft*

Elsa: And just to anyone who DOES have Hay Day, Twilight here is in the neighborhood-

TwilightSky11: QUIET ELSAAAA!!!

Elsa: What?!

TwilightSky11: ...Nevermind.

Rapunzel: Ooh, what's that green thingie? *Walks toward the green thingie in Minecraft*

Anna: That's a zombie, Punzie, get away from it!

TwilightSky11: Lol, the first time I played Minecraft I thought the zombies were friendly fish people for some reason until I saw their faces. Then I panicked.


TwilightSky11: Hey, I made a Statue of Endermen, (Liberty + Endermen) in Minecraft with a secret house inside! And it's colored! I'm sure a NOOB like you wouldn't be able to build that!!!

Hans: .....

Rapunzel: Omigosh it's ADORABLE!

Anna: Eew you think the spider is cute?!

Rapunzel: No, the little lamb over there!!! It's PINK! I'm gonna name it Pinkie!

Anna: Those kind of sheep are rare....

*In Spongebob narrator voice* ONE HOUR LATER...

Rapunzel: NOOOOO I KILLED PINKIE!!! *Sobs*

Anna: No, you just accidentally hit it with a stick.

Rapunzel: Well... this is obviously a sword.

Hans: Nooooooooooob.

Rapunzel: HEY!!! *Takes out frying pan and attacks Hans with it*

TwilightSky11: Huh. That was actually the next dare.

Hans: And - oof - how long does this - ow! - have to - ugh - last?!

TwilightSky11: Ten minutes.


TwilightSky11: Fine. Nine minutes.

Hans: Yay!


Hans: *Gasps* You said nine minutes, Twilight!!!

TwilightSky11: Well, Punzie wasn't watching the clock. It ain't my fault.

Rapunzel: Are you blaming this on me?!

TwilightSky11: Nope.

Hans: *Grins evil grin* Hey Twilight.... can I ask the final dare?

TwilightSky11: Yeah yeah, whatever. What are you gonna dare Punzie, teach you how to be a bigger noob in Minecraft than you already are? And no offence, Punzie.

Rapunzel: None taken.

Hans: No... I dare Rapunzel to beat Twilight with her frying pan for half an hour!!!

Rapunzel: ... You really are evil, Hans.

Hans: I know. >:P

TwilightSky11: Oh, no, the dare must go on...... wait, I have an idea! Elsa?

Elsa: Yeah?

TwilightSky11: Do you have any extra armor in the royal armory?


Anna: This is getting annoying.

TwilightSky11: Fine, I'll stop doing it, yeesh.


Hans: Lol you look funny in that.

TwilightSky11: It feels weird in this armor too with all of the pillows stuffed inside of here...... Okay, Punzie, ready?

Rapunzel: Yeah. And stop calling me Punzie!

TwilightSky11: Okay, Rapunzel, whenever your ready.

Rapunzel: *Mutters under breath* Stupid Hans and his evil schemes.


Anna: I SAID-

TwilightSky11: OKAY, OKAY!


Anna: SO.....

Elsa: Are you okay?

TwilightSky11: *Gets out of armor* Yeah, I'm fine.... Now everyone go back to their Ask books so I can start the conclusion.

Olaf: *Runs in* Am I late?!

TwilightSky11: :/ Sorry Olaf, we're ending the chapter. We'll make sure that you're in the next special chapter, (or any other chapter)

Olaf: Oh.... Okay : ) *Walks with Elsa back to Ask Elsa*

TwilightSky11: SO, to conclude this chapter, thank you for joining us today with Rapunzel, and see you next time on-

Hans: The Super Awesome Hans The Prince Show!!!

TwilightSky11: .... Ask Anna! *Sticks tongue out at Hans*

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