Ch. 3 Going Virol

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August 31st, 2013

Austin pov
I'm in my room playing my guitar, but I cant concentrate, ever since what happened yesterday, you see, me and Max had been hanging out after school, when we got into a fight with the Insectoids, and while fighting them off, I accidentally hit Max with my Shark Bowgun, and ever since, I've had my doubts. I stop playing my guitar and lay on my bed, it's Saturday so no school, but while relaxing, I get a text from Ally, a friend if mine, "hey, wanna grab a movie, just us, XOXO Ally", I reply "sorry, got alot on my mind right now, maybe next weekend", I send, so I head downstairs with my guitar and decide to head into town, for some time alone. I've talked with the others, but I haven't seen them since yesturday, "I don't know, maybe I can't do it, maybe I can't be a Power Ranger" I say.


In Space

Vark pov
"Lord Vrak, I've been following the rangers like you've told me too, it seems the Blue Ranger has self doubt on himself", "hahahaha, good, after that stunt he pulled yesturday, I expected it, but for now, let him be, I have an Idea, meet Virox, he can cause an apidemic, a virus, which will turn humans into Loogies", "yes brilliant, the Rangers won't attack innocent humans", "yes, they're one weakness, go Virox, cause havoc", "yes sir, army of Loogies, coming up", "this is gonna be fun".


On Earth

Austin pov
Im at a bench in town, just sitting next to my guitar, but I'm not playing, I cant stop thinking about what happened yesturday, "hey Austin", I hear, so I turn around, and see Gabe heading my way, "oh, hey bro", I say, "sup buddy, something wrong?", asks Gabe, "I don't think Gosei choose the right Blue Ranger", "why would you say that?", asks Gabe, "I mean, I hit Max instead of the monster with my Bowgun, what if I hit somebody else, like an innocent bystander", I say, "but Gosei choose right bro, he wouldn't of picked you if you werent an ideal for it", says Gabe, "besides, he choose you for helping others when they need it, like when me and Rocky needed it Wednesday, remember?", says Gabe, "yeah, I guess", i say, "now listen, how about we get something to eat, cause I'm hungry, and just hang out, sound good?", "yeah, I guess so, anything beats me just sitting here".

Virox pov
Vrak's plan is genius, the rangers won't attack and they'll eventually get over powered, and they will fall, "time to start a break out", I sneeze, sending green snot out to the city where it's filled with humans, "hahaha, get ready rangers".

Gabe pov
We're walking to Burger King, which is behind the bench, "crap, let me get my guitar, I'll be back...", says Austin, "don't worry, I'll grab it", I say, so I grab his guitar, and walk towards him, and notice green snot falling on me, "ewww, what is this?", I say, "ewww, not in my guitar", says Austin, but not long after, do I feel weird, "dude, something's not right here", I say, falling over on my knees, "Gabe, are you ok?", Austin asks.

Austin pov
"Gabe, what's wrong?", "I don't know, but I don't like this", says Gabe, but a few seconds later, he transforms into a Loogie, "woah, Gabe can you hear me?", I say, but he just acts like a Loogie, "I gotta call Gosei...", so I take out my morpher, "Gosei, we have a problem".


In the Command Center

Gosei pov
"Yes Austin, we're watching, we'll call the others, just be careful, it's happening all around the city", I say, "what? How do I stop it?", say Austin, "find the source and stop it, the Insectoids must be behind this", I say, "got Gosei, tell the others to hurry", "oh boy, I hope they stop this", says Tensou, "they will, but Austin needs to believe in himself first, it all depends on Austin", I say.

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