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Midnight: 12:00 a.m.

I take one last look down the hallway before opening my bedroom window. Rain is coming down, fast and hard. I grab my hoodie off my bed and put it on. I look down, out my window and take a deep breath.

I can do this.

I close my eyes, tight and jump. I land on the wet ground with a grunt. My window is up higher than I thought. I'm outside now though so it doesn't matter. I put my hood up and start walking.

I reach my location in less than five minutes. I really wish I knew which window to knock on. It would make this plan so much easier. I walk around the house until I see lights on.

I pick up a small rock from the ground and throw it. It hits the window, hard but not hard enough to break it. Shuffling sounds make the quiet night not so quiet anymore. The curtain moves and I see a familiar face. It's full of shock and annoyance. A smile works it's way to my lips as the window slides open.

"What are you doing here? It's pouring rain and it's midnight!"

"To talk." I reply, louder than I wanted.

"Couldn't this-"

I cut him off and say," No, this couldn't wait for another time. You wouldn't plan somewhere to talk so I thought, 'Hey, why not go to his house and make him talk about this?' I know, it sounds crazy but if you think about it, it's really not. I mean, considering the fact that you apparently do want to be with me or maybe you lied. Who knows? Not me."

"Jesus Christ, help me," he mutters, thinking I can't hear him," Hold on, I'll be down there to talk in a second."

He closes the window and shuts the curtain. I hear footsteps then a door open and close again. The sound of grass being stepped on makes me turn my head. I see Daniel standing a few inches in front of me. He has on basketball shorts and a black jacket. Go figure. I look up at his face and see that he's wearing sunglasses. I roll my eyes and look back down.

"It's nighttime and you're wearing sunglasses." I roll my eyes again.

"It's technically morning and stop rolling your eyes."

"It's still dark out here and-"

He cuts me off," You didn't come here to make fun of me for wearing sunglasses. Now, say what you need to say so you can home before this rain turns into a storm."

"Okay, okay. In your letters, you always say how you want to be with me and how perfect I am and all that bullshit. But the first time I mention anything about hanging out and talking face to face, you tell me no. Why is that?"

"It's not that I don't want to hang out with you. It's just that I can't..." He stops and shakes his head.

"You can't what? Be seen with me?"

"It's not that. I don't expect you to understand this but I can't be seen with any girl. Especially not you." The last three words come out as a whisper.

"Especially not me? What does that even mean, Daniel? I thought I was perfect and all these great things to you. I thought you wanted me and no one else could have me? What happened to that?!"

"Stop yelling before you wake someone up. You know how much trouble we'll both be in if we get caught."

"Yeah and I also know that you didn't answer me."

He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh. I can't help but reach my hand up and take off his sunglasses. He gives me a stunned look but then looks away.

"Tell me, Daniel. Please," I barely whisper but I know he heard me.

He looks up and I see that his eyes are glassy. Whatever he's about to say isn't going to be good.

"You really want to know why I can't? Well, I'll tell you. You are a sophomore and I'm a senior. I'll be going to college after this year and I can't have some high school girl dragging me down. Plus, you aren't even all that great. You have so many damn issues. You hate yourself and it's pretty clear that you just want me to boost your ego. I'm done being a nice guy. You need to leave me alone and find someone your own age to play with their feelings. Now, go home and stay there." His voice breaks on the last word and I know he doesn't mean any of that.

"You don't mean that. I know you don't," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Go home, Jade," He says and starts walking towards his house.

I grab his arm and pull him back. He turns his head and I see a tear run down his face before he pulls his arm away.

"It doesn't have to end this way. You and I both know that. Why are you doing this?" I yell so he can hear over the rain.

He stops but doesn't turn around. His hands are in fist. It's almost like I can see the steam of anger coming off him. I tremble as I finally realize how cold the rain is.

"Go home, Jade. I'm not going to say it again," His voice is full of anger and sadness.

"Fine then, I'll leave but don't even write me another stupid letter. I won't even read it!" I yell and take off running, towards the road.

A flashing light blinds me and I fall on the ground. I groan as I hit the pavement. There's going to be a bruise somewhere on my body tomorrow. I lift my head and try to stand up but the slippery ground won't let me.

"Jade, move!" I hear someone yell.

I look the way the voice came from and see someone running my way. As he gets closer, I see that it's Daniel. I form his name on my lips but I never get the chance to say them.

Impact is the only word to describe what I feel. Something just hit me, hard and fast. My whole body feels as if it's tingling and there's nothing I can do to stop it. My vision is going in and out. All I see is blue and red flashing lights. I can't hear anything. Everything sounds muted.

My eyes start closing and my breathing gets slower and slower every second. I'm not panicking and I know I should be. No emotion is going through my mind right now. I smile and let my eyes close.

The last thing I see is lightening as my world goes black.

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