Merle Or Guns?

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A/N: Sorry for the wait on the story guys, after my fiance was hurt I had to find a way to recuperate and get back on track. So here's the next chapter.

            (Later that day..) Daryl's POV: 

        I cannot believe this!!! I know he's my best friend's uncle but I'm gonna kill him for handcuffing my brother to the roof . I can't believe she let him do something like that. Wait. That's not fair, she might not have been there, and she knows better than anyone what it feels like to lose your only family...."Hey Daryl! Why don't you hold on a second I need to talk to ya." I turned around listening to Shane. "About what?" I said, still agitated about my brother. "About Merle." I stopped dead in my tracks, listening. (A few minutes later) "So let me get this straight, this little prick named Rick handcuffed my brother to a roof?! And left him there?!" I was beyond angry. I threw my crossbow onto the ground and charged at my best friends uncle, ready to snap his neck. That is, until that pervert Shane put me into a choke hold to keep me from getting to him. 

          "Hey man, chokeholds' illegal." I said this still trying to wrap my fingers around the pricks neck.  "Well you can file a complaint with the state of Georgia." I groan and stop fighting as we slip to the ground. "Listen now I'd like to have a calm discussion. Do you think we can manage that?" I give the prick a dirty look. "Your brother posed a danger to us all and was hostile so I did what I felt was necessary." I gave him a shitty look. "Necessary?" As Shane finally releases me I say. "Man screw all of y'all. Just tell me where's he is, so's I can go get him." I look up as the Lori bitch says. "He'll show you. Isn't that right?" I look back at this Officer Rick. "I'm going back, I left something. A bag of guns from the cage back home. I cleaned it out." 

(Lucy's POV) 

         "I'm going with you." I continued to argue with Daryl about going out to get Merle and the bag of guns. "Hell no you ain't. I just got you back and you want me to let you risk your life? Hell to the fucking no. It ain't happening." I sighed exasperated at his bullshit. "Daryl I can take care of myself." He whirled around to face me so fast that I was unable to interperate it. "Luce you just don't understand, I already thought I lost you and if I've lost Merle I can't risk losing you in the process of trying to get him. Now please don't fight me on this Lucy." I looked up at the broken man I've come to see as my best friend as he leaned closer to me and planted a kiss onto my lips, as he pulls away I slowly look up into his eyes. "OK, just come back safely with that dumbass Merle in tow." He only nods at me then hugs me before going to climb into the boxtruck. 

        I turn as I hear uncle Rick say. "Now here's the real question Merle or guns first?" I walk staright up to my uncke and smack him. "Don't ever think guns are more important than a person even if they are a douche like Merle. You get Merle first because even with the geougraphy knowledge going after the guns first would mean doubling back. MERLE FIRST." With that I walk away, feeling my uncle's surprised eyes on me as well as Daryl's surprised and proud ones. "Is she right?" I hear myuncle whispering with Glenn, already knowing his answer. "She's right, going for the guns first would mean doubling back. Merle first." I nod and we get moving. 

       When we reach the top door that leads to the roof they let me through with the bolt cutter, I cut off the lock and Daryl and I kick the door open both yelling "Merle!" as we walked onto the roof. Daryl was ahead of me and he started yelling while I apporached to see what was wrong and instead of finding Merle, there was a severed hand that belonged to Merle..... 

      Daryl just continuously yelled "NO!" sounding close to tears, when he finished yelling his breathing became vigorous until he pointed his crossbow at TDog, Rick raised his gun to Daryl's head and I raised my crossbow ready to shoot either of them. "I won't hesitate, I don't care if every walker around hears it." Rick stated this towards Daryl, I looked at him and said. "I won't hesitate for either of you, mines silent. Drop'em both of you." They both lowered ther weapons and looked at me shocked. Daryl turned to look at TDog and asked for a doorag. He wrapped up Merle's hand and put it in Glenn's pack. Gross. I thought to myself, we pushed on and followed the trail of blood to a kitchen finding dead walkers along the way, showing that Merle was in fact alive. 

    We then found a spot where Merle fused the wound closed and realized he was gone and then decided to get the guns. Glen devised a plan and we all took our positions. Daryl and I waited in the alleyway for Glenn with the bag when we saw a weird looking teenage boy who looked like a gang member, Daryl started questioning him while the boy started yelling "Ayudeme!" Which showed that he was hispanic, when Glenn showed up 2 more people showed up and stuck a bag over my head and forced me into a car. 

A/N: Hey readers sorry it took so long, I've been trying to help out my boyfriends family as much as possible and trying to deal with PTSD from him getting stabbed but I'm back now and should be updating more often. I hope this chapter wasn't too short. Btw CLIFFHANGER HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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