How you met (MooNs)

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Kazuna Masunaga:

You were a pretty normal girl. You liked to go shopping and hangout with your friends. But no one knew that you were jealous of your older sister who was a model. After you changed schools you didn't let anyone know who your sister was. You had really many friends and many boy from you school had a crush on you. However there was this one girl that hated you and didn't like that all the boys had a crush on YOU and not HER. Her name was McKenzie.
One day you were walking home and decided to get yourself some snacks. When you went out of the shop you bumped into McKenzie. "Look where you're going! Are you blind?" She said and pushed you so you fell on the ground so and hit you head on it which made you feel dizzy. Fortunately, a boy around your age saw the whole situation and helped you get home safely. On the way you asked "What's your name?" "Kazuna Masunaga." "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) .... You don't have to help me you know ." " I know. But your head hit the ground and I'm worried you might faint ..."
When you arrived at your house you knocked on the door and you mother opened it. She thanked Kazuna for bringing you home safely. Then you went to your room hoping you'll meet him again.

Tatsuhiro Nome:

You were at the gym , the place you spent more time at any other place. It was getting dark outside and you didn't want to go home when it was pitch dark so you decided to leave. You quickly packed your bag and left. //Why is it getting dark so quickly// you thought .
You were about to open the door to your house when someone covered your mouth and pulled you into a black alley. You were so terrified,you couldn't move. The next second you were pinned against a wall. "Look what we go here" a guy said. You struggled to get out of his grip. You smelled alcohol from him. //OF COURSE! WHY DO SUCH THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!//  you screamed mentally. Suddenly the guy in front of you got punched in the face and fainted. You looked up at the guy who punched him. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked worried.  " I-i'm fine. Thanks..... What's your name?" "Tatsuhiro Nome." "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) ...." "A young girl like you shouldn't be outside at that time" he said as you walked out of the black alley."I know but I lost track of time when I was at the gym... and I needed to go home anyway" "Ok..." You walked to you house door and thanked him for saving you . // I hope I'll meet him again ...//

Momotaro Onzai:

You were a normal girl... Well not so normal actually, you had the ability to see spirits. However, many people bullied you 'cause they thought you were a Which or something .
It was raining and you were walking home. Suddenly someone pulled your umbrella out of your hand. "A witch like you doesn't deserve to be safe!" "But what did I do to you that you hate me that much?" You asked already wet from the rain. One of the girls took you backpack from you and threw it somewhere on the ground. They started beating you up. After some more kicks and punches a red haired boy came up to you "What did this girl do to deserve you beating her up?" He asked the girls as they stopped. "She's a witch she can see ghosts !" One of the girls said . He looked supriced . You close your eyes shut thinking that he'll punch you , but it didn't happen. You slowly opened your eyes and saw that he stretched his hand out to you. He took your hand in his as carefull as if it was made out of porcelain and helped you get up. The girls walked away annoyed as he got your backpack and umbrella. He walked you home and on the way you talked. "Thank you....for saving me..." You said " There is no need to o thank me ... So... You also have the ability to see spirits?"  "Yeah ..." "May I ask for your name" "(Y/N) (L/N)..." " I'm Momotaro Onzai" and so you walked home with someone that had the same ability as you .

Hikaru Osari:

You were a very well known actress. You loved what you did , it didn't matter to if it was a stage play or a movie. However , your manager told you, that you will be in MooNs' new MV. You were excited because you never worked with Idols.
Day of the MV shooting
"Hello everyone,I'm (Y/N) (L/N) , I look forward to working with you." You greeted in your usual, cheerful voice after that the members of MooNs introduced themselves as well and the director explained how he thinks the MV should look like. At the end there was this scene where you were supposed to kiss Hikaru Osari. It wasn't bad for you because you already kissed several guys, but Hikaru seemed to be very nervous. When it came to the kiss scene you needed 13 attempts so it wouldn't look awkward. After the shooting you changed back to your normal clothes. When you walked out of your changing room you were greeted by MooNs with a bouquet of flowers "Thank you for working with us!" They said in sinc and bowed. Then Kazuna who seemed to be the leader gave you the flowers. "Aww guys you didn't have to!" You said "(L/N)-san we should leave, you still have to go to a meeting in a hour." Your manager said "Aww already? Well then, I hope to see you soon!" And with that you and your manager left.

Mikado Sekimura:

You really liked singing and you were really good at it. Everyone always told you how they liked you voice , and you liked it as well. At your school there was a singing competition and you were really excited. You trained the whole week and one of the judges was supposed to be an Idol.

You were backstage and everyone but you was nervous. The price if you won was that you would have a duet with the Idol. You couldn't wait to find out who it is. Shirl peeked trough the curtain and then turned around and said "OMG!  The Idol that will judge is Mikado Sekimura!" Ok, now you were nervous. VERY nervous. "(Y/N) (L/N) you're first to go on stage, do your best!" So there you are, on stage , in front of your favourite Idol. As the music started all you thoughts and worries disappeared. Your singing was beautiful and many people compared it to an angel. After the music stopped you bowed and went off the stage. After everyone had their turn you were asked to go on stage. Then Mikado was supposed to give the flower crown to the winner. He gently put it on your head.

Time skip (Backstage)

You were walking to your friends about how happy you were and someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see Mikado. "I'm looking forward to working with you." He said as he gave you a piece of paper and turned around to leave. You looked at the paper and it said:
If you'll need anything here's my number.
- Mikado

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