How you met (KitaKore),

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Tomohisa Kitakado:

You were at a Airplane , with your little brother that was only a few months old. Your parents are divorced and you and you brother were going to visit your father. Your mother didn't want to go so you were on your own. The flight was going really good until your brother suddenly started crying. You didn't know what to when a man with white hair sat down next to you. He asked if he could hold your brother for a bit. You hesitated but decided to do what he asked. The second you gave your brother to the white haired Prince charming he stopped crying. Soon your brother slept in. The guy who helped you decided to keep him in his arms in his arms for a little longer , and started to build up a conversation with you. "So ... This is your-" "Brother!" You interrupted him mid sentence. You later exchanged your names and told eachother where exactly you were going. After the plane landed Kitakado-kun left to get his things. When you were waiting for your luggage a boy you didn't know came up to you. "Nee~your ex left you with this little shit?" "Excuse me?" "Too bad , maybe you should date me instea-". Suddenly Tomo put his arm around your shoulder and walked away with you. "T-tomohisa?" "I'm sorry, I was worried." " Oh ok" Tomo helped you get your luggage and the you met your father. After they he had to leave.

Ryuji Korekuni:

You were a singer in a rock band. But today you had a meeting with an Idol or something. You hated Idols with the bottom of your heart. There was just something so annoying about them , and all those stupid love songs. The meeting was at your agency so you didn't have to go anywhere. You and your manager were waiting in the room where the meeting was supposed to be. Your manager was was doing some paper work and you were listening to music. The door suddenly opened and two girls walked in. // I thought the Idol was supposed to be a guy...// Some time in the meeting and it came out that the Idol actually was a boy and his name was Ryuji Korekuni. The only people talking were your manager. You weren't really listening until they said"You two are going to live together." "WHAT!?" you and Ryuji shouted in sinc " Well this is couple project weren't you listening ?" Silence noone said something for a while. After the meeting both you and Ryuji were a blushing .  Your manager went out to sign some papers and you told you to stay in the room. "So we'll spend pretty much time together , huh?" You said awkwarly and Ryuji nodded. "By the way , how old are you?" You were trying to sound as nice as possible. "17. You?" "16" // Good there isn't a big age difference// After a few minutes minutes your manager came Bach and Ryuji had to leave. //Maybe it won't be that bad after all//

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