41. Oh Hey

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*Abigail's pov*
I woke up with a really sore head and a light blinding me, where the heck was I?, I slowly sat up to avoid hurting my head even more I looked over to my Left and saw...Michel? Sitting there

"Hey, how you feeling" he asked

"Oh hey"  I responded "wait where am I?"

"Your in hospital you..." He started when suddenly someone came running through the door

"Wyatt" I nearly shouted he ran to me and I hugged him "ouch"

"Sorry" he laughed "how you feeling?"

"I would say better but I cant actually remember what happened" I said touching the back of my head

"Rose told me that you fell and hit your head on the trampoline" Wyatt explained

"Wow. Im retarded" I smiled "by the way this is Michel Jacksons friend"

"Hey" said Wyatt

"Hi" Jackson responded

"How did you get here so fast?" i asked Wyatt confusingly

"I may or may not have taken my dads helicopter" he laughed

"Wow" I smiled back

We were just talking about random stuff until a doctor walked in also Rose joined us.

"Hello, miss sim" he said walking in the room

"Hey" I replied

"How are you doing" he asked "feeling better I hope"

"Well im not sure I can't actually remember what happened or how I got here" I explained

"Well just thank this young man here, without him..putting it basically... You could have died.... Twice" He said pointing to Michel

I looked at Michel and he smiled at me, I hope I don't need to give him like a gift basket or anything saying thank you for saving my life.... Twice 😂.

"But apart from that you have Broken your ankle and foot from when you got it trapped, you have sprained your wrist," The doctor said reading off a clip bored "and you may experience short time amnesia but give it a few months no more than a year and you should be back to normal.

"What about my gymnastics?" I asked worriedly

"I hate to tell you this but" he started "you will not longer be able to do gymnastics like before"

"But I can still try?" I asked even more worried

"Im sorry but If you even attempted some of the simplest skills you could end up breaking your wrists or at worst you could end up in a wheelchair" He explained

The doctor left and I just started crying, How could I not do gymnastics its my literal life 😭.
Rose and Wyatt came over to me and gave me a hug. And Wyatt kissed my cheek.

"on the bright side you can come home tonight" Rose said happily

I got a tissue and blew my nose

"I can't go home my brothers thing got moved to Australia that's why she's not here" I explained to them

"You can stay at my house!" Wyatt suggested

"but thats miles away" I told hold him "and what about school and when my mum comes home and...."

he held my chin up so I was looking at him

"stop worring it will be okay" he said looking into my eyes "everything will be okay"

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