New - First Day

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Stumbling over my own two feet I rush around my apartment, I began to check I had everything I needed for the day.

"Keys for the house - check, bus pass - check, the phone that I hardly ever use - urmmmm ... Ah there! Okay, check!" I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror and I try to calm down.

"Okay, okay, okay, I can do this. It's my first day what could possibly go wrong .... aha ...."I wasn't very good at convincing myself and was a horrible liar so I just took another deep breath and walked out the door down to the bus stop.

I arrive at my new workplace, a company in designing the new buildings that were to be built in the area, I was one of the new designers and most likely one of the youngest as I was only 18.

In high school, many of the girls in my year would say that I looked like a girl because I had long hair, a slender body and was quite small for a boy my age. Which I still am. During high school, I also came out as being gay which lead to me having a lot of friends that were girls and many bullies. The bullying was hard at first but that was before I met Kaii the love of my life.

At the time I met Kaii I was in my second to last year of high school and he was in his last year. I remember it was the first Monday back after the Easter holidays. I wanted to ask the science teacher something so I headed towards the science block when I got cornered by some guys. By now this was normal for me and so I stood there waiting for a teacher to walk by like I always did but instead some guy in their class came up to them and saved me. That person turned out to be Kaii, my current boyfriend.

"Sir ?? ... Sir ?? ... SIR ?!"

I wake up from the little daydream I was having about Kaii to see a woman in a baby blue dress and glasses snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Ah ! Yes! Umm ... I'm the new designer here, my name is Ca-" I was quickly cut off by the woman

"Cade, yes I know please follow me. I'll show you were you'll be working then I will be taking you to the boss's room as he wants to meet you."

"Okay, thank you very much"

We use the elevator to get to the 3rd floor then begin to walk down the hallway until we get to our room painted a beautiful mint green and white with about 9 desks each with a very expensive looking graphics design touchscreen tablet.

"Here's your desk Cade"

My desk was a corner desk right next to the window. Before I could even get a chance to sit down I was being pushed out the door by this woman, whose name I still didn't know, back to the elevator and up to the 4th floor. Soon enough I was standing in front of the boss's room shaking like a scared little puppy. I turn to look over at the woman but all she does is gesture back to me.

"Go on in, he's been waiting for you."

I try relaxing my body and prepare myself before knocking on the door ...


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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