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The barrel of a gun staring him straight in the face as he rested on his knees, he froze, the short life he's lived flashed before his eyes, and he can't breathe but he wouldn't let them know, he wouldn't allow them to see his panic. The barrel moves closer, this time the cold steel is pressed against his warm cheek. Never surrender is the motto his father lived by and possibly the one that got him killed. Lorenzo gritted his teeth, eyes narrowed, a furrow in his brow – he had become his father and he wouldn't surrender, not to anyone. Only twenty-eight years old and this was how he was going to die, in a dark room surrounded by fallen bodies, and one man he thought he could trust.

The clicking of the hammer pulled Lorenzo from his mind, from his thoughts and memories. Inhaling a deep breath in, he prepared himself for certain death. He placed hands behind his head to show no fear. He looked in the eyes of his assailant one last time, almost as if it was a warning – letting him know that he wouldn't live to see another day whether he spared Lorenzo's life or not. He had crossed a line, betrayal, and no one would forgive him. Exhaling heavily, Lorenzo closed his eyes, a gunshot rang out.

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