Shake Your Bubble Butt

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"Spongebob get me my money!" a sexy krabby voice said from afar, his voice sounded like music whenever i heard it, it felt like i was in heaven.

"yes mr. k" i say as i run to my dadd- i mean boss, i start flippin' patties left and right, back and forth, up and down- with some of my bosses "secret formula" i always loved when he would show me his secret formula, it was the best day ever when he showed me it for the first time- i still remember it like it was yesterday-

Yesterday- The Story of how i got the formulur for the first time

"meow" i hear as i awaken from my slumber. i look down angerly at my pet snail "GARY YOU FUCKING JEW! I WAS HAVING A DREAM ABOUT MR. KRABS FU- i mean, morning gary! do you want your snail food?" i say and gary look at me with a strange look, i can sense that he knows what i was going to say- this snail is smarter than he looks- pfft.

i get out of bed and run to the kitchen- grabbing his snail food and putting it into his bowl. "Oh no im late!" i say to myself as my legs turn into a rocket and i fly out of my house because somehow i can do that.

"goodmorning squiddy" i say happily and he tells me to fuck off. ah classic squidward, i laugh and walk into the kitchen and begin making krabby patties.

Mr. krabs suddenly bardges in. "hello mr. k!" i say with excitment- i love mr. krabs, with his krabby krab legs and sexy eyes that are peen shaped.

"want me to show you the formulur spongebob?" he asks as he raises an eyebrow and smirks at me, were my dreams coming true?

Planktons pov

my eyes light up with enjoyment as i can't believe what i am hearing, mr. krabs  is going to show spongebob the secret formula?! and i get to whitness it! i laugh as i get my voice recorder, and camera out and listen in.

idk my pov

"oh spongey man- you feel just like a sponge~" mr. krabs says as spongebob nods in agreement. "i mean i am a sponge~" spongeman replies as he moans out a sponge moan- mr. krabs laughs "agagagagaga" and after 10 seconds of sexin' it up- mr. krabs relieses his "secret formula" into one of spongebob's many
"and thats how the secret formulur is made my boy" mr. krabs says and winks at spongebob

then plankton pukes all over the floor, as he runs out of the krusty krab "I DON'T WANT THE SECRET FORMULA ANYMORE!!! I NOW KNOW WHY ITS CALLED THE KRUSTY KRAB!!!"

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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