Authors notes: 👻📓

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Hello and welcome to The Verdant Mark! If you are a returning supporter, I apologize as it will probably be about a month or two by the time I have rewritten to where I was abruptly cut off (don't talk about it) but I am sure refreshing your minds will allow you to view Mikyla's journey from a different angle. If you are a new supporter then I thank you for taking the time to read Mikyla's journey and I hope you can continue to vote, comment and share! 😇

Although the first few chapters will remain relatively unedited I will mix it up a bit. From now on I won't be using chapter titles like 'Chapter 1' because it's boring - instead I'll be using... *drum roll* 😁🤩🤯😱🤢

Yup! Each chapter will be titled with an emoji which I believe will sum up the atmosphere. Basically an emoji synopsis.

Anyway, as I'm rewriting and I really want to be done by the time the Wattys 2018 come around I will be updating twice a week;

Updates -
Every Tuesday Morning*
Every Friday Evening*

*This is a rough schedule which I will try my best to adhere to. Please remember I am human so this won't always be possible. Sometimes I will have things going on but I will always make up for it and apologize in advance if I am able to.

Please note: Every chapter is unedited and most likely thrown together an hour or so before publishing because I live in my own little country called ProcrastiNATION! Nonetheless, I will accept critique but can't promise that I'll incorporate it straightaway. I know my spelling, grammar and punctuation probably sucks as well as everything else but... again - this is the unedited version. If you don't like it I'm sorry, not sorry.

Last but not least - THANK YOU not only for reading this ramble but for sticking with Mikyla through thick and thin, through Drowhood and Noblehood and most importantly through updates and the long ass hiatuses. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!

Happy reading
~ dracollavenore

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