Chapter 6: You Lost Her

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A/n: not edited! Can you comment and heart pwease! Thanks if you read it! ;D

Chapter 6: You Lost Her
Annabelle's p.o.v.
I walk down the unfamiliar hall and am met up with a slick, wooden railing. I carefully grip it and feel a step. Step by step, I walk down the stairs while still keeping my hold on the railing. "Why are you out alone?Jessie was gonna go get you after a bit!" I hear Hayden's voice. I smile calmly as I finish the steps and am met with his pine scent.
"I don't care. I'm blind, doesn't mean I'm crippled." I state with a shrug. I feel his hand grab my elbow. "Come on, the breakfast has just been finished by the omegas." I wince at the name. "Don't worry, we treat omegas differently then at your pack," he whispers before leading me into what I assume is the dining room. I hear mumbles of kind greetings before being directed to a seat where Jessie's scent smells strongest.
I feel him place one of his hands on my right hand as I sit, the shocks and tingles spreading through my skin. Before I can utter a single word, an outraged call is sounded across the table, and a scent of overpowering perfume engulf me as loud heels click the slick wooden floors until a figure is beside me.

Jason's p.o.v.
My heart feels hollow, as if a huge void as come to it. When the pain of rejecting her ended, all that filled me was dread. Even though I rejected her, I can still feel her pain, and her depression. My wolf, Falcon, hates me. I honestly don't blame him, I hate me to.
I can't handle this. I need to be an alpha for my pack, but I just can't. I need my luna. When I think this, my wolf howls in longing. Why was I so stupid? Why did I get rid of the one thing good to me? I know she is blind and weak, but my wolf just doesn't feel complete. It's only been three days and I can't handle this. Maybe I underestimated her, maybe I need to find her.
As I think this, I hurriedly go to Anna's territory and ask to go to her room. Then I trudge to Anna's old room. When I go in there, I immediately spot her aunt, Karla. I back her into the wall and grip her neck, just enough to make her struggle for each breath.
"Where is she?!" I growl in her face, my wolf angry. She looks to me with terrified eyes. "I don't know!" she gasps out. "Liar!" I say, feeling her pulse quicken as she lies. "I gave her a plane ticket! She's long gone!" she says with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. I can feel my eyes burn with tears as I let Karla go, letting her fall as she sucks in the much needed air. I bow my head in defeat.
"Why do you even care?" she sneers, eyebrows furrowed. A look of confusion crosses her face as I sigh in defeat. "My wolf can't handle being without her! No matter who I'm with, I can't forget about her! She's just a blind and weak omega, why am I feeling so much pain in the separation? This happens all the time with omegas, and yet I'm feeling a horrible feeling in my chest by each breath!" I exclaim. Realization crosses Karla's face.
"What do you know?" I growl in my words, my wolf wanting answers. Her eyes widen and she stands, backing towards the door. I slowly walk to her, backing her into the wall with a scowl on my face. "She's not as weak as you thought!" she spits, anger dripping off each word. I look to her with obvious confusion in my face.
"She shifted after the rejection. She could even see!" Karla says, a dazed look of wonder on her face. I gasp. "But she doesn't want to be found. She's still blind, but if she's strong enough she can see. Her dad challenged her before she left, and it didn't end well." I look to her in shock. "He got the leg wound from Annabelle?! It didn't heal for at least 2 days and that's if it's an alpha!" I say exasperated as she nodded.
"Her father is an alpha," Karla says. I shake my head. "But they said she got all of her mothers traits and blood, so she wouldn't have had the alpha blood," I explain, looking to the ground. She grips my face to face her. "You don't know everything!" she starts. I look to her in confusion. "What don't I know?" I question angrily, seeing her sigh as she removes her hands from my face.
"Do you know what color her wolf coat is?" she asks. "Brown? Her mother and father had dark and light brown so she should acquire that trait." She shakes her head. "Her coat is white," she replies. My mouth drops open as I gape in shock. "How? How is that possible?" I question, looking to her. She sighs, as if contemplating on telling me. "You know her mother, my sister?" Karla asks carefully. "I'm not in your pack, but I've heard about her. She was an omega that was a rouge before being captured by your pack. Later, the alpha realized she was his mate," I say. She nods slowly.
"Yes, we aren't from this pack. My father was the alpha king," she says and I gasp. "He sent his two daughters, the two youngest out of five, to a different pack to live normal lives. We gladly left but that pack was ambushed later by rouges after our arrival. For a year, we went rouge and explored untamed lands before mistakingly walking right over the border. We were captured, and we were both treated as omegas the first week. That was until the alpha met with us and saw Anna's mother, Christina, was his mate."
"They mated and Annabelle was born. Everything until finding out she was blind was perfect, and I was completely fine with being an omega. But when her mother got sick and couldn't afford to have anymore children, and they found out Anna was blind, her father grew angry. He abused Christina and Annabelle."
"He later kicked Christina out, blaming her because of her bloodline, never knowing who she actually was. She never told him about it, and her father, the king, presumed us dead and never searched for us," Karla finishes with tears streaming down her face.
I look to the ground trying to comprehend all of this. So all this time, they had a decedent of the alpha king right in this pack?
"I'm sorry Karla. All I know is I can't live without Annabelle. I'll find her." I state. She shakes her head. "Don't you get it?" she chokes out with tears streaming down her pink cheeks. "It's too late for you guys," she says and I growl. "What do you mean?" I question. "She has a white pelt. The moon goddess sent me a dream the night before Annabelle was born. It was a prophecy. It said Anna would get two mates, and one would lose her before she even meets the second," she explains as tears fall down my face.
I lost my Anna, didn't I? "Can't I get her back?" "It was prophesied that you'd lose her!" snaps Karla through gritted teeth. She shakes her head and more tears build up in her eyes. "It's over, Jason,"

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