Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a potato that loved to play with magnets she throws magnets at people to turn them to magnets and controls them for fun. The thing she did none know what she does but  one day 2p Italy comes and try to fry her and turn her into a tater tot. 2p russia came and stops 2p italy from doing that and called 2p germany to come get him.the potato sat on her chair and wrote in her diary of what happened  that day and…. put in her name but 2p england ran and was chased by a dinosaur then 2p france came and got him out of that while 2p america kidnapped her. Later 2p China came with 2p Japan asking what they want and when they saw her in binds on the floor crying, they got her up and took her back to their home and called 1p lithuania and they helped her. When they got her out of her binds they asked who she was but before she could answer them someone came through the window.

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