going gets tough

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CHAPTER THREE: worry's a bully that just wont let me be


when millie first met finn, she had smiled.

of course he'd been near tears, those childish brown eyes reddened with sadness and even just a hint of desperation, but she smiled nonetheless.

wide kind and maybe just a bit too eager poking.

she'd seen him when he'd first walked into class that day, practically hiding behind his mothers legs with a seemingly permanent blush tinting his skin. she noticed how he sat alone in class and at lunch, and she wanted—she really did! to go say hi and whatnot, but she's been pulled away by some bratty girl, millie can't even remember the name of now.

unfortunately, her thoughts on the boy had seemed to stop when millie had finally been able to get away from the girl; rolling her eyes at how she'd been continuously told what to do.

who made her the boss anyways?

so, millie, as any five year old could justify as fun, decided to spend the rest of her time hitting the stupid rusty fence with a stick; making an irritating screeching noise with every slam.

millie, now at twenty two years old, laughs at her actions silently.

she remembers how she'd heard a group of older kids yelling at the boy from earlier.

everything else is sort of a blur of heated indecisive decisions and words she probably shouldn't have been saying at that age.

but most of all she remembers the way finn had smiled at her.

tender and full of relief?

it was the same way he looked at her again.

like she'd come to save him once more, and her heart clenched at that thought.

"dude you're so fucking late."

millie jumps, soon relaxing at the sight of her co worker and friend, quickly ripping her uniform on as fast as possible. "i know i know! i...i got caught up something okay?"

"well, you're lucky you're one of my good friends, because i lied to boss and said there was an accident by your house," sadie smirks, her ginger locks only slightly coming undone in her ponytail. "what happened anyways? you look—" her eyes narrow. "tentive."

millie looks away. a smile was creeping upon her lips unknowingly. "i just ran into an old friend."

"mhm, was this old friend a boy?"

"maybe," she responds briskly. "now stop looking at me like that and help me unloaded the rest of the alcohol."

"mills you know i don't do heavy lifting!" sadie teases, helping after a moment of the girls glaring. "i know i'm gonna have to pay jayden back for being late—jesus fucking christ. i could really use the money too man."

"not his fault you took so long. besides it's been alright, not really packed—" she grunts lifting the edge of the beer case.

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