The Nerdy Bad Boy 21

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Author's POV

Chanyeol was still fuming mad when his father came to pick him up from school.

He had gotten into a fight but got into big trouble as if it was all his fault.

The journey home was silent but as soon as they got into the house his father gave him a serious look as he sat him down on the couch.

"Chanyeol I didn't teach you how to fight so that you can go around beating up other kids. Boxing is for self defence" he said.

"But dad it was self defence" Chanyeol tried to defend himself but his father stood his ground.

"You broke one kids nose and another ones arm. It might have started as self defence but you went overboard" he said.

"Dad those boys have been bullying me every single day since I started going to school. You told me not not allow people to take advantage of me and that's why today I showed them not to mess with me" Chanyeol lashed out still angry.

"Don't hurt others to make a point Chanyeol. That anger is going to get you in deep trouble one day if you don't learn to control it" his father said.

"But dad..."

"No Chanyeol. If you ever cause so much trouble again I'm sending you straight to military school" his father spoke with finality silencing the little boy.

"Tomorrow I want you to apologize to those boys and their parents. Understand" he said but got not response.



"Now promise me you won't allow your anger to take over again" his father said now calm.

"Yes dad. I promise" 

"I'm sorry dad I keep breaking my promise" Chanyeol whispered to himself as he sat in a jail cell with two other men.

They both reeked of alcohol and had passed out.

"Officer this is all a mistake. Those men tried to rape our friend and Chanyeol was only protecting him" Sehun and Lay tried their best to convince the police to let Chanyeol go free.

When the police arrived on the scene many people went out to see what was happening and they were shocked to see some people being carried into an ambulance, Chanyeol in handcuffs in the backseat of the police car and a traumatized looking Baekhyun being questioned by the police.

Either way it didn't look good.

"I understand Sehun but things aren't looking good. I have 4 men in the hospital and Chanyeol has blood on his hands. The last time we could let it go but this time he went overboard" the man said giving them a sorry look.

They all settled back on the bench wondering what they could do to help.

"I can't believe Chanyeol almost killed a man with his bare hands. I'm glad we never fought" Kai broke the silence.

"Yeah. He is crazy like that" Sehun said with a smile.

"He wasnt always like that though. He used to he a sweet kid. Sometimes I think its our fault he ended up this way" Lay added.

"What do you mean?" Luhan asked.

"When we were kids we used to bully him..."

"It was mostly Sehun" Lay cut him off earning a glare.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now