{19} Labour

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Zhanna Horan

I'm official nine months pregnant and the baby could come any minute soon.

It was six o'clock in the morning and i couldn't get any sleep. Perrie was staying the night to keep my company while Niall left last night to do some recording in the studio and to do an interview early this morning.

I looked at my phone to check the date.

Monday September 23rd

I sat on the edge of the bed and was about to sit up when all of a sudden, i felt a water running down the inside of my thigh.

Oh no

"Perrie!" I shouted. "What" she groaned.

"My water just broke! SHE'S COMINNNGGG" i screamed. Perrie jumped out of the spare room already dressed and ran into Niall and my room.

"Holy shit! She's coming!" Perrie wrapped her arm around my neck and supported me to the car.

She opened the passenger side door and helped me in as she got in the drivers, starting the engine off and zooming down the streets.

"Call Niall" i said, breathing heavily. "I'm driving" she said in a 'duh' tone. "Bluetooth!" I groaned, gripping my belly.

I pullged the cord into the plug and turned bluetooth on. "Your IPhone is ative" the computerised lady voice said.

I clicked on contacts and went down to 'N' clicking on Niall. "You talk, i can't-AAAAAAAHHHHH" i gripped onto the side of the door, screaming to the top of my lungs from these stupid contractions.


"Niall, it's Perrie"

"Perrie is everything okay"

"No! The baby is coming!"



"HOLY SHIT!! I'm on my way!!"


The call ended and Perrie and I finally got to the hospital. "Help! She's having her baby! Help her!" Perrie dragged me theough the reception area.

"Hello how can i help?" The lady behind the recption desk asked. "My best friend is going into labour". I breathed heavily and tried not screaming and yelling through the hospital. "OH MY GOD!" I shouted.

"We need a nurse to take this women to a room, she's going to explode!" The lady called down the hallway.

A girl about my age with reddish purplish hair came and got me. "Come on dear" she put me in a wheelchair and rushed me into a room, changing me into a hospital gown.

About half an hour later, i was pacing up and down, supporting my back with my hands. "Can i please get this baby out already!" I snapped.

"When the nurse gets back, she'll be her shortly she's just dealing with something" Perrie assured me. "For crying out loud, i'm about to be pushing Niall Horan's baby through my fucking vagina!" I yelled.

"Sshh, it's alright you'll be fine" She rubbed my back. "Where is Niall?!" I groaned. "He's coming" Perrie said.

"He better be, i can't hold this in anymore i'm literally going to explode any minute now-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" i screamed with pain.

"Nurse! We need a nurse in her! She's screaming for christ sake!" Perrie called down the hallway.

Niall Horan
I sped down the streets, not caring about anybody else but my wife because she's going into labour and i get to meet my daughter for the first time! Unfortanantly, i missed the interview but i don't mind, i've done millions of interviews on that show anyway.

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