Part 2 Masky meet brutalight

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Masky pov
I was hangine Slender's notes but wend i saw a girl. I was about to kill her the i saw her beauty and i saw blood on her shrit i rase her shirt up tring to see any  bruises and scars on her stomach but not one she just like us. I call slander and told him about the girl and told me to bring her there

Brutalight pov
I woke up in a bedroom and got up. So you a wake Someone said. Who in the hell are you Britalight said. Don't worry your safe in the Slender Mansion and my name is Masky nice to meet what is your name. Brutalight my name is Brutalight Brutalight said. Hey Masky is she wake yet someone said TOBY GET OUT NOW. Hey there pretty laby i"m
toby and welcome to Slender Mansion. Masky can i come in  someone said. Yes master Slanderman.

Slanderman pov
Hello Brutalight you already know my name right. Your the Slanderman and how did your know my name Brutalight said. I know all of things and you need to stay here with us Slanderman said. But why Brutalight said. Zaglo is after you and friends Slanderman said. Ok i'll stay here and one more thing Brutalight said. What will that be Slanderman and Masky said. Where is you shawer i need one Brutaligh said. Yes would you like me to show you Masky said. Yes if you don't mind Brutalight said.

Masky pov
I was showing Brutalight where the bathroom is when jeff and liu saw her. Hey Masky who that girl Jeff ask. Her name is Brutalight and she  will be living with us Masky said. Hi Brutalight my name is liu this is my brother jeff and i'm sorry for his behavior liu said. Brutalights you need to share a room with sally or Jane ok Masky said. All right i pick jane Brutalight said after her bath. Ok let me show to her room Masky said.

Brutalights pov
I can't believer I have to share a room with someone who i don't even know Brutalight thought. Jane you have a roommate Masky said. Oh good Jane said.

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