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Why, hello there person who clicked on this book!  Thank for giving it a chance, Reader. That's officially what I'm calling you for right now, if anyone wants a reading this.

Also that song up there is just up there because I love it.

First things first, there's not going to be a cast because I always feel like it messes up what I think the character looks like, so I wouldn't want to do that to anyone else.

Next, this book is not going to be updated constantly until around June 10th. I'm probably going to have a couple of updates between now and then, but if you, Reader, don't have any patience at all, then I recommend you come back later.

Wow, I'm actually shooing off readers. Who does that?

It's also my first actual book I'm writing, so I'd like some tips every once in a while.  Just pease don't be that grammar nazi who points out every little misspelling, or say, "It's 'Maria and I' not 'Me and Maria.'" *says in a snobby, know-it-all voice*

God, I hate those people. 

Other than that, give me some tips on how to improve the plot, parts where you don't understand what's happening, and just anything you can think of.

Reader, just be nice to others as you read it you decide to actually want decide to read my book. I doing want my probably only two readers to fight with each other.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. That's kind of my number one rule. And hey, if you wanna have a debate (notice I said debate not fight) about something, have your debate, but remember to shake virtual hands after it.

Okay, now for the actual characters, Danitz has a bit of a backstory to her, but don't we all? And no it's not going to be a cliché where parents are either dead, divorced, or just disappeared. I call it, "The Three Ds Cliche." (No I don't, I just came up with it brought now.) I'm trying to be a bit original here, so I'm sorry if parents being present in a book is bothersome to you.

Okay... Do I have anything else to tell you?.... *skims over checklist*

Um... I think that's pretty much it. Thanks if you actually decided to read this.

OH NO WAIT! ONE FINAL THING I HAVE TO LET YOU KNOW!!  Autocorrect is a ducking pain in the arse.

Mkay, I just needed to blow out some steam *glares at Autocorrect*

Bye... I guess.

Sending Awkward Virtual Hugs To You,


Obese Pancake.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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