A Pile of Junk and Somewhat Useful Things

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We drove onto the driveway of a very old looking house. The minivan rumbled over the rocky driveway, before finally stopping. I got up from the back seat to see what else was in store. The garden looked very well maintained, which was weird because I knew my Grandma would never remember to water them every day. The doors of the minivan opened up and everyone else got out pretty fast. I, on the other hand,  unbuckled slowly and stumbled out of the car. 

 My six-year-old sister, Macy, then yelled at me, "Hey! The faster you get dropped off, the faster I get to go on MY cruise." Ignoring her, I popped open the trunk to grab the only two things I brought. My acoustic guitar and a backpack with some clothes inside. I walked up to the door with the rest of my family. They all wore Hawaiian themed clothes, which made no sense because they were going to the Bahamas. My father rang the doorbell and the door was opened by a man in his fifties. 

"Ah, you must be Veronica's son. Hello, I'm her boyfriend, John."   John then shook my father's hand and let us in. The door opened into little entrance hallway before opening up to the living room.

 "John, who is at the door?" My grandma said. 

"It's me, your son!" my dad yelled back and she replied with an "oh".  When we got into the living room, My grandmother was sitting on the couch watching her soap operas. She may have gotten a boyfriend but man, you could not take her away from her soaps. The walls around the living room had a lot of old pictures of the family and things like that.  

"So, I have to watch over you? what's your name?"  My grandmother asked. 

"It's Jake, I've been at your house before grandma," I answered. 

"Oh, I can never remember." She then was sucked back into the soap Oprea. John then led me to a room that reeked of old and unused. There was a lumpy bed that felt like a guest had been trapped and mummified in it. On the old bedstand was a lamp with a really weird lampshade and a juice-stained bible. This place seemed more of a tomb than a place for me to be living for a chunk of my summer. I placed down my stuff on the floor which also held my excitement for being in this place. John then left me alone with my thoughts which I did not want to be alone with at this moment.

A few hours later. My family left thirty minutes after they dropped me off, it was pretty obvious that they wanted to ditch me. I was laying down on the bed in the guest room, just thinking. Why did I screw up all of my friendships? My girlfriend dumped me, my old band ditched me then got arrested. It all just fell around me as I tried, desperately, to block it out. Then a knock came from my door. 

"Hey, Jake. It's dinner time." John said. I got my self into a presentable state and went to the dining room. On the table was some pork and mash potatoes, both of my caretakers were just watching TV while they ate. their relationship is mostly based on television, isn't it?  they were watching a 90's sitcom and I just ate in silence. The food was okay, but it was a little too salty.  They said that salt helps the body not be dehydrated. Eh, I drink a lot of water so I never need it. You know how after dinner there really is nothing to do, so you just go to sleep?   I slept like a log that night.

I was woken up six in the morning by John. "Hey, Jake! if you help me in the yard, I'll take you out to breakfast and pay you a bit." He said as he opened my door. Well, I got up quick, a meal and some money will get me to do anything. So we walk out to the yard and john hands me some garden snips. "So I want you to use this to trim the bushes into a square, kay?" John says as he fills up the bucket to water the garden.  The bushes were dang close to a square, so I got it done pretty fast. Next, he gave me a lawn mower and told me to cut half the yard and he would do the rest. It gave me a lot of time to reflect on my current predicament, I was in a house where I could earn a bit of cash.  That meant that I could save up for college or at least a car. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, which is a problem because I'll be going to graduating from high school in two years.  But anyhow the yard took me an hour and it was starting to feel like summer. John checked over my work and found it plausible, handed me twenty bucks and went to go change into better clothes. I went in and did the same because I did not want him thinking I was a slob. We hopped in the car and drove down the empty morning streets, morning rush hour already passed. The place where we went to eat was this old dinner that looked like it belonged in the 50s, a nice place with some good waffles. We sat down and the waitress asked us what we wanted, Then I saw her, standing by bar eating a plate of waffles, checking out the newest post on her instagram.

(I'll maybe post a second because why not)

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