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If Adrien had to go to another photo shoot, he would die. It was interfering with his work as Cat Noir- as the attacks had greatly increased the last couple of days- and it was tiring. He'd already been to five this week, and it was only Tuesday. That had to be against some sort of law. Like child labor, or something. 

Normally he kept his mouth shut about being overworked and all, but all his time being Cat Noir was making him bolder than he'd ever been in his life. If he was strong enough to fight against actual super villains, then he should be able to stand up for himself to his father. 


He couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the big grey door in front of him. It was metal, cold and tough. Perfectly fitting for its owner. 

He almost backed out then and there. His father was cold and unfeeling, ever since Adrien's mother had died. This door was immovable, just like his father. How could he ever change his mind?

As if reading his mind, Plagg looked up from his big chunk of Camembert. "Pffft. You can destroy that door in two seconds, thanks to me. Who's to say you can't make a dent on that stupid brain of his? Especially since I'll be there to help."

"Father's not stupid, Plagg," Adrien defended weakly. "He's just... distraught. I don't think he realizes what he's doing."

"Distraught?" Plagg scoffed. "He's been 'distraught' for long enough, then. He needs to wake up to reality. He's going to lose you too, if he doesn't stop obsessing over his wife's de- oh. I'm sorry, kid."

"What?" Adrien asked, confused. 

The black cat kwami was staring at him, not-so-hidden concern glittering in his eyes. "You went pale."


Adrien still hadn't completely gotten over his mother's disappearance. It was a bit hard to when his father locked himself up away from him and his mother wasn't there to make up for the gap that always came when he'd done that before. 

He rubbed his face, annoyed with his hesitance and the sudden change into a topic that he hated talking about. "Let's just do this."

He gently knocked on the door, wincing at the cold that met his knuckles. 

There was no answer. 

Adrien gulped, his confidence wavering even more. This wasn't worth it. He should just be a good kid and do what he was told. Just suck it up and keep going to those stupid photo shoots. It wasn't a big deal anyways, he could-

"C'mon kid, he probably didn't hear you," Plagg interrupted his thoughts about just fleeing. "Knock louder."

Adrien took a deep breath and knocked louder.

"I didn't schedule a meeting at this time, Natalie," came the monotone voice from inside his father's room. "Send them away."

Adrien looked at Plagg for reassurance, who just rolled his eyes and gestured to the door like, get on with it already. 

"It's not Natalie, Father," Adrien said, then mentally face-palmed himself. This was already off to a pretty pathetic start. "I was wondering if I could talk with you for a bit."

There was a pause of silence and the sound of many things being hurriedly put away. "Very well. Come in, Adrien."

Adrien couldn't believe his luck. His father was actually taking the time to talk to him? Maybe this was a step forward, maybe his father was getting better. Confidence and hope filled him at this, and it took everything in him to stop himself from skipping into the room. 

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