Chapter 2

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hello readers!!!

this is the next chapter

i am going to try and update every Thursday

i know this is a bit short but i have longer chapters to come!!!!

enjoy :)


Chapter 2

I never intended for this to happen, I was happy with my life.

Settled down in New York, with a beautiful wife planning to start our own family.

Then, one day, she came along. It all started when my neighbours moved out of their house across from ours. And she, moved in.....


"Alex, look outside the window, our new neighbour has moved in, we should introduce ourselves!"

I didn't like meeting new people, I hated changes and I quite liked Howard, our old neighbour, he was one of my many close friends.

Whenever there was a football game on, he was the one who I would call. We used to get all of our beers out and sit in front of my flat screen TV and drink until we were half drunk so that we could then go out and play childish pranks on people.

My wife came out of the kitchen carrying a pot of steaming lamb stew. I gave her a questioned look.

"Alex, please, we are not going to introduce ourselves without bringing a welcome gift; so please, put your shoes on and help me carry this across the street."

I moaned, but still did what I was told, otherwise I knew that I would have to survive a week on the couch with no blanket or pillow.

I took the stew from her hand and we headed across the street

"Oh Alex, I forgot to turn off the oven! Go and introduce yourself and I will be there in a second," my wife said, already half way across the street. I rolled my eyes and came face to face with a bright yellow door.

I pressed the bell. Nothing happened, so I pressed the bell again but was only greeted by silence. Great, no one was in.

Just as I was about to turn around, someone pulled the door open. There stood a petite woman with wavy hair that shined almost golden in the sun light. She had emerald green eyes which were filled with curiosity.

She had curves in all the right places. Her lips were full and a tempting colour red. I stared at her, almost breathless.

She was beautiful in every way. You could see it in her delicate shaped face that she was caring and loving.

"Hi." I whispered, but loud enough so that she could hear me. Her sparkling green eyes were staring up at me.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She closed it.

Looking at her shoes, she started to blush, her face shading into a beautiful colour red.

I smiled at her; she looked up and smiled back at me. I shivered, my heart skipping a beat. Wow. She had the most beautiful smile that I had ever seen.

"My name is Alex and we just wanted to introduce ourselves, we live just across the street from you," then I held up the pot of lamb stew. "We brought dinner!" I smiled down at her.

She gazed up at me, looking confused. "We?" she asked. Her voice was small and sweet.

"Hello!" my wife shouted cheerfully behind me. Turning, I realised that she had walked across the street.

She put her hands almost protectively around my waist. I turned back to the girl who seemed to look from my wife, to her arms slung around my waist, then back up at me.

She seemed disappointed but quickly covered it up with a smile but the smile never reached her beautiful green eyes. For some reason, I felt like I had betrayed her. She smiled sadly up at me. I wanted to make her sadness go away.

I stood there staring down at her and she stood there staring up at me. We just stood there. Time seemed to stop and I forgot how to breathe. It was like we were in our own little world, just the two of us. I did not even realise that the arms around my waist tightened.

"Ehem," my wife coughed she took us out of our trance, a sense of relief washing over me.

I think if I stood there any longer, I would have grabbed her and kissed her right there and then.

What are you thinking I yelled at myself. I have a wife and she was standing just behind me! We both looked at her and she seemed to be staring from me to the girl I did not even know the name of.

"Can we come in? I made dinner as a welcome gift!" She smiled at her and then gave me a big kiss on the cheek

"My husband, Alex, must be starving by now." I looked at her shocked. Did she just do what I thought she just did? Does she think that this girl was a threat to our marriage? We have been married for 2 years for Christ sake! I felt uncomfortable; I took her hands of my waist.

"Oh...err...Yeah, come in!" the angel before me said. Stop it Alex, I told myself. I don't even have a nickname for my wife.

She opened her yellow front door and stepped to the side. I was greeted with a mouth-watering smell. "Lemons." I said while taking a deep breath.

"Yea," she said "I made lemon cake."

I love lemon cake, I thought to myself. Thats my favorite.

"Mine too." She whispered, looking down at her shoes.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"I said, lemon cake is my favourite cake too!" she spoke up louder, a small blush creeping upon her angelic face.

I did not realise I said that out loud, although she looked so sweet when she blushed. We stepped inside.

The house that I used to recognise as Howards house was completely changed.

The hall way was painted woodsy green with some prints of white birds. The carpet was replaced with a fluffy cream one giving it a more homely appearance and paintings and patchworks where hung on the wall. She decorated the house quite well. It was cute and vintage.

"You have a nice house err...What's your name dear?" my wife asked. I looked at her expectantly.

"Maybelline, my name is Maybelline Rose Steward."

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