Chap.14 Weekend Ways Pt.2

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Jelly:quiet guys
*MeanWhile at Senpai*
Sen:hey guys whatcha doing here?
Gold:ohh..hey we are finding Jelly here you
Sen:ummm..finding Val she is with Jelly
Alec:ohhh..lets find them
Ky:c'mon guys
Gold;yeah..c'mon if I see jelly I will kill her
*at Jelly and Val*
Jelly:hey why did you say that I'm with you?
Val:I thought he is the one that will find meh..
Eve:well I outta here guys bc I think Evan will find meh..bye
Val:but he will see us walk out
Eve:well I will say that I throw a trash
then Evelyn walk out then Senpai approach her
Senpai:ummm..hey Eve have you seen Jelly and Val
Eve:nope why
Alec:are you sure?
Ky:well let's find them on the corner's or in the concert
Gold:do you hear that?
Funn:hear what
Ky:hmm..they are
Jelly:hey guys
Funneh:well let's shop together
Val:actually me and Jelly are done shopping
Gold:ohh..well let's go get Starbucks
they all went to Starbucks and order their drinks and go to park and stay their for a qhile and talk
Jelly:so how was the DAY!! leaving me?
Gold:well super FUN that your are not their!!
Jelly:whatever you say gold
Funneh:guys stop fighting
Alec:yeah well let's go home well bye
they all go home and do nothing but sleep

hey guys well hope you guys like this chap and if this is short sorry for that luv yah all....

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