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The sun was high in the clear blue sky on the morning I disappeared. Yet I just knew from one look out our bedroom window that it was cold outside, cold enough to need many extra jumpers today. That's what it's like in Scotland. It was cold inside the house too, as the metal base of my laptop was icy on my legs, even with a warm wool blanket as a barrier. My beautiful new wife Isadora slept soundly, unbothered by the Antarctic feel that morning, as she always does. I wish now I'd woken her, to have had more time with her. It's too late now.

Yawning, I sighed, my hand finding the beautiful little bump on Isadora's stomach. Our little Nessie was shuffling around in there, making themselves comfortable, waking my wife up in the process.

"I swear, everytime you touch me Nessie feels it." She groaned, stretching uncomfortably. I looked into her eyes, her beautiful, ochre eyes and smiled. I'd miss them. Sighing, she cuddle up to my side as I finished writing my piece for the next morning's paper. The time was seven o'clock- not long now til I had to get up and go. My boss had handed me a last minute column assignment, to experience first hand the realities of working on a cruise, and despite the due date of our little on being so near, I'd accepted the job.

"I could always stay." I spoke quietly, unsure of whether Isadora was dropping off again. A quiet mumble told me she was awake, but barely. I kiss her gently on the forehead, unwrapped her from my side, and slid carefully out of bed.

My suitcase stood, packed and ready to go by the front door as I came down the stairs. I left my keys in the bowl on the dresser, as I always do when I go away on assignment. Mrs-Scatterbrain-McCurdy always forgot where she put hers, and would end up using mine at least three times when I was gone. As silent as I could, I creaked open the oak front door, took ahold of my suitcase handle, and was gone.

If I could do it over, I don't know if I would have left Isadora. I know, given the choice, I would choose her and our baby, in a heartbeat. But then if I hadn't gone...

There would be no story to tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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