The greatest show unearthed AU - Rp

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You wanted to get scared. Who knows why, you just did. Finding an add on the Internet, at midnight, you headed to the forest to find a circus tent with people watching, waiting. So, take your seat, and let the show begin.....


<Warning, Angsty, and is mainly something based off a movie>

A new girl has shown up, and Rantaro seemed to have taken a liking to her, even though he's dating Claire at the moment. One day the girl was performing, you were standing with Claire by the sides until you notice her staring at something. You look to see her staring at Rantaro, who was staring at the girl, Lillia. The look in his eyes were filled with love, and Claire looked like she was going to break.


<angst warning, latterly something like the scenario above, but based off the song Rewrite the Stars->

A performance is happening, and the circus was invited for some reason. Probably to be laughed at, yet Shu encouraged them to come anyway. Xander and willow stood side by side in the standing booth with the others, until an audience member noticed the two holding hands. She whispered to her friends and they stared staring. Xander seemed to swallow his pride, slowly letting go of the silver haired girls hand. Willow looked at him, noticing the girls then looking


You woke up in the middle of the night to hear a cage rattling and snarling. Curious, you went to investigate. When you arrived, you saw Claire trying to calm down Jackoby, was was attacking other beasts, until he suddenly stops, sniffing the air, his wolf ears flicking in your direction.

 "I hear a sound" he said darkly

 "it's probably  just a mouse" Claire stepped in defence, somehow knowing it was you.

Jackobys blacks eyes stared at the shadows you were hiding in. " I see them in the dark"

"I only saw a spark" Claire said stepping infront of him trying to stop him from seeing you.

"I know there's someone there" the male said growling.

"Not as far as I'm aware" the blonde tried to usher him back to his room.

"Why don't you believe me?" The dark skinned male grabbed Claire's face, pulling it close to his and staring at her eyes. He yawned slightly. "Maybe you're right"

"It's just another night" Claire said softly, nuzzling his hand to calm him.

"But I heard a creak" he muttered glaring in your direction.

"Just go back to sleep" your friend said gently leading him to his room.

"I'm always quick to rage..." Jackoby mumbled, looking tired.

"So go back to your stage-" Claire opened his door before you slipped, making a cage drop and crash. Jackoby instantly looked towards you, starting to re grow his muzzle with a dark smirk. "Run~" without thinking you dash down the hall, you can heard jackobys pounding paws chasing after you. "What's that sound?

I know someone's there

Hiding in the shadows

Thinking I was unaware!" He snarled as he got closer and closer until....

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