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Ever heard of a wack-girl/boy before? Well, he/she's only purpose is to be beaten up in replacement of the person who the anger was directed at; and that is exactly what Charles and Lacie Brow wanted.

they came to that conclusion because Charles was getting too violent and since they couldn't bear to touch a child of their own. They decided to adopt. They adopted a black girl because they believed that any living, breathing human being of colour is God's curse to the world. Apart from being violent, he was a traditionalist who subconsciously looked down on women. 

"then why adopt a BLACK GIRL??" you're probably wondering. it is in fact, BECAUSE of that, that they felt that it was their right to do whatever they wanted to her.  they did not care for  going through the LEGAL process of adoption. So they got the 'curse' from the black market. 

they decided to name her 'Apizo' meaning 'Curse' in Kiswahili as a way to forever remind her of her 'monkey roots' and to remind her of  what she  her 'parents'.

for years it worked, Charles and Lacie were actually happy, they got their own kids, Charles' anger even dialled down and life was good until...

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