C10: Key

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"What does that 'key' means??" Griztov asked.

"Well she is chosen one to be the key with the worlds and with the other gods. But it need a sacrifice." Odessa stated.

"But, why Marsha? Why not others? " Griztov asked again.

"She's the key to make the Paraforest back to its old Formation." Odessa stated.

"I know this is so selfish but, Odessa i won't let you to have her for sacrfice. Even if it's for Gargastra." Griztov said.

"Sorry,I can do nothing but this!" Odessa said while casting a strange spell to Griztov.

Griztov collapse and fell on the floor.

"Hey, what did you do to him?" -Marsha

"He need to forget you, don't worry, it's not painful. He is just unconscious." -Odessa.

"What?! What about me?!" Marsha blurted out.

"You are so pure. That is why our god chose you." Odessa.

Suddenly the other two strongest cleric and witch appeared.

"You're here" Odessa said.

"Hello, Marsha. I heard you will be the Sacrifice for the world's peace. I am Damien,a Cleric from Paraforest.  And this is A-" Damien was interrupted by the other witch.

"No need to introduce me Damien. I'm gonna do it anyways. I am Stefan, nice to meet you, beautiful." Stefan said with a kiss on Marsha's hand.

"Stop it guys, we must do the ritual now to open the other world's gate." Said Odessa.

"Are you really sure for this? I am going to the sacrifice? And Griztov don't love me anymore?" Marsha begged.

"Who's Griztov?" Stefan asked.

"That one i guess, Steffy" Damien said.
"It's Stefan, not Steffy. Dork!" Stefan said while looking at Griztov's body.

"I made his memories lost." Odessa said.

"Let's just do it. I don't want to hear his voice that asks me who i am" Marsha allowed Odessa to be the Sacrifice subject.

Damien, Stefan, Marsha, and Odessa went to somewhere.

"Where are we?" Marsha asked the three strongest Clerics.

"We are on the place of God, Gregastros, the lord of Gargastra." Stefan answered.

"So, the Sacrifice is here, now?" A husky voice coming from the palace of god.

"Yes, your highness. And she's prepared" Damien said in a respective way.

"That is good." God replied.

And the God came out from the palace.
His face is really angelic and graceful like Marsha. His hair is white and long and his robe sways as he walk into Marsha's Direction.

"You two are look a like. Seriously guys?" Damien said with a questionable look.

"By the way, is she, Pure?" Gregastros changed the subject. All of the magicians nod.

When they are going to do the ritual the god, Gregastros cancelled it.

"I loved this woman. I want her to my Goddess" Gregastros said as he do something to Marsha.

"Wait, What?!" Odessa questioned their god.

"I get whatever i want. Just leave, jerks" Gregastros said as he casted a spell to three to shut their mouth.

The Three Magicians Damien, Stefan and Odessa left the place of god and did not remember anything about Marsha.

"You are my Goddess, in my past life. I am really happy to have you again." Gregastros said while his spell is erasing and reversing Marsha's memory. In her original memory, her love ones is Griztov. But in Gregastros' spell is him.

Marsha's body is being purified by his spell and Her memory is being restored.
Her body floats and her hair became its original color. Bluish white. Her eyes got its own make up and her lashes shines. Her eyeshadow had glitters and at the corner of her eyes has three diamonds.

When Gregastros finally finished the spell, Marsha woke up. And Gregastros catch her from floating.

"Hi, love" Gregastros said.

"I feel like, I'm sleeping in a million years" Marsha said.

After having a conversation, On the Darka, here comes Griztov. He woke up, finally. He still lived in the palace, without Abryz nor Marsha.

"Noooooo!!!!!! I love someone but i can't remember who!" Griztov yelled at himself.

"It's me Griztov. I am the one you really love" The evil witch say as she was rubbing softly Griztov's chest.

"If it was you, why i can't feel it on you? Huh? You're just a hooker in the palace. I made you to be my maid here just to not to put you in a jail because you are pregnant don't apply your old job in your job as a maid here." Griztov seriously say as he pull the witch's hand away.

"This is our child, Griztov. You can't do anything to me" The witch yell and grabbed Griztov's face and kissed him.
On the other side, Marsha was named to be Ash. God named her Ash after he made the spell successfully. Ash become powerful and immortal and become the Goddess of Gargastra.

Coming out from the Palace, Ash and Gregtastros decided to make a Powerful Ring, Named to be the Eminental. Eminent because of it's power and Elemental because it signifies the Nature.

It changes colors when something is predicted and there are words written in Own God's and Goddess' Letter.
"For the one who deserves Blessings."

They, Ash and Gregastros placed in the deep, Middle of the Desert.

They also spread the words of "In the midst of Between, there was a Powerful ring" in order to search for someone who deserves it. But also deserve to be the king of all.

One day, a princess who came from afar, heard about the belief. She searched for it, and fought all the beast on the desert. With her dazzling she don't really need to fight so hard for the ring.

She was about to dig when suddenly someone came into her life and everything in her, was forgotten.

On the other side, there was a prince who came from the deep ocean. Searching for the ring but needs to transform his self into human body. He seeks the ring for his good. That is why, he turned into human and searched the ring by himself.

Ash's  Key Sword was kept after the ring was kept. Under the ring, The Sword is also hidden where the ring was hidden too. Ash don't need the sword anymore. She had enough power to have it.

Suddenly, The king from afar found the Sword and gave it to the princess to use it in her search for the ring.

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