Chapter 1: High School Life

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Naomi's POV

FINALLY! I'm in high school!!!!!!

More freedommmmmm!!!

Middle school was kind of a bummer. It was boring and horrible. I hated it.

Although, the teachers were nice and I had friends but you know, the school was just... Weird.

To be honest, I'm actually scared to be in high school. Why? Well because there are the big kids... Like the popular girls, the jocks, the smart people, etc.

I just think that I can't fit in... Since I'm really shy and quiet.

"Naomi!!!" Mom yelled

"Coming Mom!!!" I said as I quickly brushed my hair and wore my cardigan.

I usually wear pants or leggings, then a shirt with a cardigan.

See how weird I am?

I went downstairs, seeing my mom, preparing my dad's lunch.

"There's the grown up gal!" My dad said, giving me a hug.

I giggled and mom said, "Oh sweetie, she's not a grown up yet!"

"Honey, here's your lunch." mom said, handing me $10.

That's enough money for lunch I guess.

"Do you want me to drive you there?" Dad asked

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll just walk. Thank you" I said with a smile.

I grabbed my backpack filled with my new school supplies.

"See you guys later! Love you!!!" I said, while kissing them both on their cheeks.

I opened the door and pulled out my phone.

Huh.. It's already 8 and classes start at 8:40.

I have enough time.

High school is gonna be really different.

I will have exams (which sucks), new friends, new teachers, new crushes, etc.

Crushes huh?

I wonder if I'm gonna have a boyfriend during my high school years.

I've never had a boyfriend.. I've never been kissed...

But who cares? I care about my studies.

I mean, who cares about boys? You don't need them.. Pssh..

I had crushes though but they didn't like me so what the hell, forget them.

I arrived at Leinrest Secondary School.

I can already see the seniors, the new students coming in to the school.

It's a pretty big school...

I think I'm gonna get lost.

I went to the office to grab my timetable and my locker number.

"Hello, good morning Ms.!" The lady said

She was kind of old... Not that old.. She was like middle age..

I'm guessing, she was the secretary.

"Good morning!" I said with a smile

"Name please sweetheart?" She said

"Naomi Potter." I said

She looked at me and smiled saying, "Just like Harry Potter eh?"

I smiled and said, "I get that a lot..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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