Act 1 (The encounter)

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Encre's POV

I woke up and did my normal routine, then I went to go paint something but found out that I had artists block.

Encre: Pour l'amour de Dieu, pourquoi de tous les jours dois-je bloquer les artistes aujourd'hui? (For god's sake, why of all days do I have to have artist's block today?)

So I went into the village to clear my mind as well as get some inspiration, when I ran into Azure, she was part of the villages royal guard, and one of the only ones who can understand me when I speak french.

Encre: Bonjour Azure, comment vas-tu aujourd'hui? (Hello Azure, how are you today?)

Azure: Hello Encre, good, you?

Encre: Bon, je prends un peu d'air frais pour me vider l'esprit et trouver de l'inspiration pour dessiner quelque chose. (Good, just getting some fresh air to clear my mind as well as getting some inspiration for something to draw.)

Azure: Oh, artist's block huh?

Encre: Ouais (Yeah)

Azure: Well I hope you get it fixed soon, I have to go, can't keep Eterna waiting, bye

Encre: Moi aussi, à plus tard, au revoir (Me too, see you later, goodbye)

Then I had a thought, maybe I could get my inspiration in the forbidden forest tonight. (Time Skip) So when the moon came up, I walked into the forest and kept walking until I entered a clearing, with a lake. It was so beautiful that I didn't notice a werewolf running at me until it was two feet away from me, I didn't have time to react so the werewolf took this time to jump onto me and bite my neck. So I let out a blood curdling scream as I was bleeding profusely. The last thing I saw was a young man about my age, (I made Encre and Fallacy 15 in this, don't blame me, also vampires don't start aging slower until about 20 or so) come down from the sky and drive that werewolf away, then I blacked out.

Fallacies POV

I was enjoying my flight in the night sky, finally at peace, when I heard a feminine blood curdling scream, I found where it was coming from, it was coming from and female skeleton on the ground being attacked by a werewolf. So I decided to fly down and scare off the werewolf, I hissed at the werewolf and showing off my fangs, showing him that I was the vampire prince. Then once he was gone, I smelled the sweet scent of blood and turned in the direction it was coming from, and found it was coming from the direction of the girl. She looked to be about my age, she was also bleeding profusely. 'How can a skeleton have blood, it's almost impossible for skeletons to have blood. Hm, maybe I can do some research on it' I thought to myself, I then picked her up and summoned my wings to fly her home and heal her. 'I wonder if she will allow me to have some of her blood once she is awake and fully healed' I thought to myself again before flying off to my castle. As I was flying, I looked down and saw her face in the moonlight. 'Heh, so cute' I thought one last time before landing at my destination, my castle, and walked in. I called one of my servants and maids to me.

Fallacy: Suave, Gazelle!!

Suave and Gazelle: Yes Milord?

Fallacy: I want you to take her and heal her up, she will be staying here as a guest for the time being, inform me when she wakes.

Suave and Gazelle: Yes Milord.

Fallacy: Thank you

I handed her to Suave, who held her bridal style, as I was. After that I when to bed for the night, but I couldn't stop thinking about her, but after a little while I finally went to sleep.

End Scene

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