Come Out and Play

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       "How's that sassy little boy you've got tucked away in that room upstairs?" Jessie questions faining nonchalance. But I could see the genuine concern for him in her eyes.

"He tried to run away," I state dully, the frustration rising in my throat again. She gasps, " Is he o.k.? You didn't hurt him did you." she lost her composure and stared at me a threat written all over her face.

"Not yet I haven't, and why are you so worried about him? You just met him, and you don't even know his name." I point out. She clenches her jaw and grinds her teeth. She's always been so motherly to everyone in the group even the captives. She takes a deep breath, "While I am worried about that child- no, man I'm more concerned about your soul and the number of marks it harbors. You might want to check your divine value cause I'm pretty sure not even Lucifer himself wants to deal with your bullshit." she argues before walking away in a huff.

I blink, standing there like a fool completely taken aback at her sudden burst of anger. Too bad. If that upset her than what I'm about to do is going to be the last thing I ever do according to her.

I straighten out my suit and call out to a nearby assistant. She was a big girl, she was as tall as me and pretty muscular. I ask her to go aid and clean up the stranger in my room.

She quickly grabs the first aid kit and hustles up the stairs.

I'm gonna make sure he won't be running, or even walking, anywhere for a while.


I can't believe that asshole would treat another fucking human being like that, I mean especially someone like that boy. And that's another thing as angry as Jack makes me, that child upstairs is even more infuriating if possible. First, he won't tell me his name and then he dares to basically attempt suicide by trying to escape! Is he crazy, brave, or is he just an idiot?

I turn back to witness one of the maids rushing up the stairs and I decide to follow her after watching Jack walk away. 

I run up to the second story and rush to Jack's Quarters. When I finally get to the room I take a second to catch my breath dreading the state that kid might be in. Hesitantly, I open the door to the bedroom and gasp at the sight presented to me. 

G.F.Y. is laying on the floor asleep as the maid clumsily wraps bandages around his wrists, obviously not accustomed to fulfilling a task of this nature. She looks up at me pleading for my assistance, which is ironic because she is the work aid. I quietly ask her to leave the room, she nods and walks out shutting the door behind her. I quickly take her place beside the person on the ground and lift him onto the bed grunting at the stress of his weight. 

"Little but heavy, huh?" I ask jokingly. He opens his eyes, "Did you just call me fat? How rude." I jump back at the sudden noise. I hastily collect myself and stare back at him quietly before warning him. 

"That was some stunt you pulled out there." I tested, gently unwrapping the half undone gauze all over his half-naked body. I stand up and tell him that I would quickly return. Walking out of the room I head to the bathroom and fill a bucket with soap and water. On my way out I grab a washcloth and towel. I almost forget to grab the hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol prior to leaving the washroom. Re-entering Jack's bedroom I place the bucket on the floor and the towel next to it.


I stay still as Jessica wipes the dirt and grime off of my arms, legs, torso, and face, not bothering to fight her ministrations as the warm water felt nice on my injured skin. Her affection reminds me of a time when I was a child and I had scraped both knees I couldn't walk properly; my mother had gone through the same process as Jessica is currently performing. 

She went to wipe off my left wrist and I tried not to cringe away from the pain. Then my brain catches the opportunity to catch a joke, "Oooooh, please be gentle with me." I groan. 

She stops for a moment and looks at me, "Oh sweet baby Jesus child, I can't with you. Like really? This was supposed to be a serious moment, and you're making 'that's what she said' jokes." I laugh. The rush of endorphins is completely welcome in this hopelessly depressing situation. She smiled at me and that lightened the mood even further, "So when are you going to tell me your name sweetheart?" she continues to giggle with me. I close my eyes, "My name is Gabriel." I say feeling tired again. That feeling quickly disappears when my left wrist catches on fire. I gasp in pain and look down to my wounded appendage, "Calm down Gabe, I'm just applying some disinfectant in order to prevent infection. We can't take you to a doctor honey so I have to make sure you stay healthy." she said cooing. 

"You could have warned me, damn that stings," I said straining my pain tolerance to its limits. She goes on to my other wrist, then to my ankles, and then to the many lacerations covering my body. When she finishes with the disinfectant, the begins wrapping the gauze around the severe places and smaller bandaids on the lesser injuries. 

"I'm worried about what Jack will do to you as a result of your intrepidity," she mutters. My eyebrows furrow making a dimple on my forehead,"Who is Jack? Oh my god is he that piece of dog shit in the suit?" she nods, and I hesitate, "What could he possibly do to me to elicit such concern from you?" I try to push away all the terrible things in my head. 

"There are many; too many to count, I'm specifically afraid of one though." she pales, failing the elaborate. She dries the still damp parts of my body with a towel, puts the blankets over me, and closes the curtains over the window before wishing me sweet dreams and leaving the room, locking it behind her. 

Sweet dreams aren't what I experienced that night.

Bam another chapter complete, feel free to point out any typos and remember to comment and/ or vote. 

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