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Now they sat there. In Wakanda, watching as the Water streamed down a waterfall. It was beautiful yes but Steve wanted to talk with Bucky, about everything. He thought of stuff to say, ever since he left Bucky in Wakanda the first time but now? Now he didn't know how to start. "I'm sorry." Bucky said softly, his voice rough. Steve looked at him but Bucky kept staring down on the water. "For what?", Steve asked. "Because you split up with your friends only to find me and I made such a mess out of it all.", he was referring to what happened in Germany.
"Hey, that wasn't you fault. Stop pulling yourself down. It was the fault of Tony and this stupid contract he decided to sign."
"Still, you saved me and than you had to immediately bring me here because I can't even control myself."
"You are doing it again, pulling yourself down. Stop it. Please."
"Thank you, Steve."
"For what now?", Steve chuckled.
"For keeping up with me, bringing me to Wakanda, making sure I get better, just - caring about me.", he still looked down. "You know I would always do that.", Bucky did that thing where he breathed out of his nose just like he would chuckle but not actually moving his mouth he just moved his upper body. "Yeah, because you are a genuine good guy.", there was no sarcasm in his voice. He meant it. Steve sighed. "No Bucky. It's because it's you who we are talking about. You didn't deserve anything of that shit that has happened to you but what you deserve is healing and a chance of a normal life.", Bucky lifted his head. "Why?" "Because that's what I do for my friends and you are the best of the ones I have."
"Then you should really question your choice in friends.", Bucky smiled. Steve did too.

"How is the life here in Wakanda?", Steve asked and looked around.
"I really like it, it's very peaceful. I mean I'd love to go back to New York, Brooklyn but, the world changed and I stood still in the cyro. Here in Wakanda it feels different, like I'm not really on earth and I could just pretend all this didn't happened or that I have a clue of all the technology and all the inventions there are.", Steve smiled he knew how it felt when everything around you continued to evolve but you stood still.
"I'm glad you like it here and trust me, you will get used to all the new stuff faster than you think."
"Well all the time Shuri explain what she's about to do I understand nothing and just let her do her work.", Bucky shrugged but a smile, at least the intentions of it, were on his face.
"Was the same thing with Tony.", Steve admitted.
"How are things with him by the way?", Bucky looked askingly and Steve sighed. " I honestly don't know, bad but not too bad. I apologized but I got no answer."
"I'm sorry for getting you in all that trouble you shouldn't have split up with your friends."
"As I already said. You had priority and not some stupid law they made."
"With you 'til the end of the line, remember?", Bucky rolled his eyes.
"Of course, but you can't always say that as an excuse to do stupid things", Bucky demanded.
"So getting you out of there was a bad thing?"
"No. no. That was probably the best thing that could've happened to me. But still it was paired with some stupid things you must admit.", Bucky was right, Steve knew that. It was strange, seeing Bucky like that. He was still himself but also different. Steve wondered how he himself was. He also went through a lot. "True that, must admit.", Steve murmured.
"Thank you. Really. I don't think I am worth all of that."
"No, stop it. Right now.", Steve demanded with seriousness in his tone. Bucky looked at him frowning. "Seriously you need to stop putting yourself down. Look around. Life here in Wakanda seems beautiful, you seem to get better you deserve happiness, all of it. Bucky. Hear me out.", Steve put a hand on each of Bucky's shoulders, squeezing lightly. "You are not a villain. You are a victim ok? I believe you'll find anything you want here in Wakanda.", Bucky pressed his teeth onto each other. "Thank you.", it was simple but it held so many emotions. Steve squeezed his shoulders one more time until he took his hands off.
"How does it feel?", Steve didn't understand. "Getting hugged only with one arm I mean.", Bucky smiled and so did Steve. "Normal, just not so welcoming. How does it feel only having one arm?", Steve returned the question. "Weird. It's actually the first real time in which I don't have an arm or a prosthetic. I still need some time getting used to it.", Steve hadn't even thought of that. It was Bucky's first time without any type of arm. "Do you think that's also something I could find here in Wakanda? An abandonment Arm?", Bucky teased him but Steve just rolled his eyes, both of them smiling.
"You never actually told me something about Siberia. I mean- you don't have to-" "No, I want to.", Bucky shuffled a little bit closer and looked around. Steve followed his gaze. "I don't think there is somebody.", Steve said, wondering if Bucky was about to tell him stuff that nobody else should know. "I am a war machine only slightly on the way to get better. There will always be somebody watching me.", Bucky said turning around again, laying his head on Steve's shoulder and began to talk about Siberia.
It probably took about three hours until him and Bucky walked up to the City again in which Steve's hovercraft still stood. He hugged Bucky a last time. "I'm going to visit more often if you'd like to.", he murmured. "I would.", Bucky returned ever so silent. They broke apart and Steve made his way up into the aircraft. Watching Shuri and Bucky until the hatch closed, shutting the light of the sun out by that action. I believe you'll find everything you want here in Wakanda. Steve wondered if that included love.

It probably did.



Little bit of Stucky fluff because honestly? After Infinity War we all deserve it. Hope you enjoyed and as always - take care and I'm out.

Light - A Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now