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Me and Yeri looked at each other. We were ready to give big reaction. And after seeing Rose and Sungjae oppa I was more than ready to give a big reaction.

Dohwan oppa and Saerona introduce each other. The camera was in front me and Yeri. Everyone was prepared. No one was unnecessary teasing or anything. Everyone was professional.

Saerona started, "My close friend is here today. Yeri-shi" Yeri waved at her smiling. The crowd screamed cheering them. "I hope you win tonight" Saerona finished on that statement.

On it's my turn, I'm prepared to wave just like Yeri.

Do Hwan oppa started,"I am not closed yet but I am getting close" before he finishes his statement I stood up smiling brightly waving at him. The crowd screamed loudly.

"With Red Velvet Joy-shi" I am still waving. The crowd is still scream loudly. I can see all the eyes were on us.

And just when I thought it's done and I am not on camera anymore. There was no smile on my face and I sat down. Thinking did I over reaction because of my jealousy?

"Sooyoung-ah did you eat?" Heard oppa again. The crowd was screaming like crazy this time. Everyone was smiling. And even I was smiling and it wasn't planned or forced. This time it was actually natural reaction. The crowd was louder than before. Again I stood up and waved.

Everyone around me was smiling and was being so suspicious of Woo Dohwan oppa's words. I was smiling too. I couldn't believe he actually asked me in front of 10000people if I ate or not. No one has ever said something like this in public to me. It felt like someone just proposed me. What did I just think. I pushed that thought away.

He continued,"Joy-shi I hope tonight you will win a lot of awards and go home happily."

I looked around my members they were all smiling and laughing. Everyone couldn't believe. Normally everything is scripted and professional but he used my real name and asked if I ate or not.

Wait a second, why did he ask if I ate or not? What was that? This oppa is weird on that thought I started laughing too.

Just when I thought it's all done, I was on camera again. He announced Red Velvet as the winner.
• • •

We were on back stage everyone was congratulating us. I was waiting for Woo Do Hwan oppa. I wanted to ask him what was that?

After a while he and Saerona came. Woo Dohwan oppa came directly to me. "Are you okay? I couldn't stop myself."

All my members started laughing. I think he didn't realise that I was with my members.He looked embarrassed suddenly.

Irene Unnie,"guys let's go let sooyounga and her co star talk."

"Yes, go only I will watch them" Yeri teased. Everyone started laughing. Even I was laughing.

"You can watch them on tv when their drama is aired. Now let's go." Wendy unnie dragged Yeri.

And now we were alone, standing in front of each other.

"Sorry" he said first.

"Why? It was okay." I started laughing.

Even he started laughing. "I thought you are not happy about it."

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have given you positive reaction."

"True. Congratulations on the award."

"Thank you."

We looked into at each other's eyes smiling.

Joy and Woo Dohwan: The time I thought it startedWhere stories live. Discover now