1: Annoying Little Kid

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Allyssa's POV

-*12 years old*-

I walked into the hotel carrying my bags.  I can't believe my parents made me come to this stupid tournament.  It's all the way in Virginia and we live in Pennsylvania!

Anyway, I walked over to the elevator with my cousin Ashton, my parents, and one of my Ashton's friends.  I think his name is Nathan.

While the elevator was going up I noticed Nathan staring at me.  WTF?  When we stepped out of the elevator he carried my bags to the door.  Ok maybe this kid is alright.

Ashton, my parents and I stepped into the room and Nathan went with his parents to his room.



We walked out onto the grass next to field 13, where the boys will play all day.  I helped set up the canopies to shield us from the hot sun.  Then we got out the chairs and I sat in my favorite blue one.  Nathan put his green one right next to mine. Ok this kid is kinda creepy.

"Hi," he said as he waved.  I waved back, "hey. You excited for the games today?"  He nodded, "yeah, even though most of these teams are older than us I still think we could win."  "I hope so.  Hey Coach is calling you over to warm up." He said goodbye and went to warm up for the game. 

The opponent team was almost twice as big as them and most of the boys on Ashton's team looked scared. 

As the game started the older boys scored and scored and by half time the score was 6-0.  Most of the boys on Ashton's team,  called Lightning were giving up.

In the second half Brayton, a kid on Ashton's team passed it to Nathan who ran up and scored.  The whole crown cheered as they repeated this for 7 more goals.  In the end they beat the older boys with a score of 8-7.

The second game started an hour and a half later and the new opponent team looked to be the same age and height.  By the end of the first half the score was 3-2, Lightning was winning.  The fi al score was 4-3, Lightning had won another game.

The third game was against younger kids and the score ended as 7-0 with Lightning winning again.

Lightning went on to the championship and it ended in a tie so they had a shoot-out.  The first kid on the other team scored and the first kid on our team scored.  Then the second kid on the other team scored and so did the second kid on our team.  The third person on both teams scored.  Finally the last kid on the other team missed amd it was up to Nathan to win the game.

When he shot it knocked of the post and barely made it past the line.  The reff confirmed the goal amd we all cheered.  Nathan had one the game!

He came over afterwards and hugged me.

"Uhm..why are you hugging me?"

"Because you gave me good luck."

"I did? How?"

"I was nervous but I looked over at you and you are so pretty it calmed me down."

"Oh..uhm thanks."

"You're welcome."



The drive back to the hotel was awkward because Ashton wanted to ride with the coach and the coach was Nathan's dad so he rode with us.

My parents were in the front and I was in the middle with Nathan.  The whole way home he was talking my ear off and trying to hold my hand and hug me.




The next day at the second half of the tournament Lightning won the championship again and we left back to the hotel to go swimming and get ready for the pro soccer game we were going to that night.

When we got up to the room Ashton and I changes into our swim suits and my dad took us down to the pool.  At the pool were all of the boys from Lightening, including Nathan.  The smallest one on the team, Kyler, but everyone calls him Ky, was jumping in and he slipped and I caught him before he fell on his head.

For the rest of the trip he never left my side and at the game he sat on my lap, which I didn't mind because he was light and I liked to play with his hair because it was soft.

At the game Nathan sat next to me and while Ky and I were having a tickle war he tried to join.  When Ky wanted to go get cotton candy so I took him to a concession stand.  Nathan's dad, Dan asked if I would take Nathan too so we all went.  Ky wanted a piggy back ride and Nathan felt left out so they took turns getting on my back.  Whenever it wasn't Nathan's turn he was holding my hand, claiming that if he didn't he would get lost.




Back at the hotel the next day we were packing to go home and I decided that I would never go to any of Ashton's soccer stuff again to avoid Nathan, the annoying little kid.

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