♡ Chapter One ♡

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Blue Roses and Gold Chokers

(Lipstick & Lace)

 Chapter One

From: Kim S.

You have a shoot on Friday, 12:00 pm. Arrive early, dressed and hair styled.

Namjoon glanced over the text and sent a quick confirming reply, he would be there and ready, even if he had to use up his entire lunch hour.

“WE GOT AN INTERVIEW WITH AGUST D!!!!” A loud and sudden voice boomed across the office and Namjoon almost dropped his phone in surprise. Several cheers followed the announcement, along with some congratulatory claps.

Kim Taehyung embodied bright noise and warmth, he was like a light that fluctuated colors and responded to music. He was also one of the most loved interns in the company, and despite his age he was easily catching up to Namjoon’s position. But Namjoon didn’t mind, the younger man had a way of interacting with people that made them warm up to him quickly, and Namjoon was very susceptible to him.

“Namjoonie, can you believe it, his manager called and said that they were free next week!” Taehyung chirped, sitting on Namjoon’s desk and immediately wrapping long arms around his broad shoulders. Namjoon froze in his seat, but eventually found his body relaxing and his face heating within Taehyung’s arms. “Thank you so much, all I had to do was tell him you sent me and he accepted!!” Taehyung squealed, something that shouldn’t have been possible with his usually husky voice.

His eagerness made Namjoon smile and hug back, his own arms wrapping around Taehyung’s waist to return the impromptu hug. “I’m glad it worked, with this article, you’ll be on your way to interviewing designers for Gucci.”

The mere mention of the famous brand had Taehyung shaking with excitement and he would have killed Namjoon in his hug if the older man hadn’t pulled away just in time. “I’m so excited! I won’t be an intern anymore with this!!”

Namjoon nodded and for a while he stayed at his desk, chatting with Taehyung and encouraging him, until the young man finally calmed down and looked at Namjoon with curious eyes. Suspicion was not in his sweet nature at all, but he could be really instinctive and inquisitive at times.

“Wait… how exactly do you know someone like Agust D? Didn’t you start at the company a couple months before me?” Taehyung asked, head titled to the side like a puppy trying to understand something.

Luckily, keeping secrets had made Namjoon paranoid and he lost sleep just imagining scenarios in which he was in danger of being exposed and had to think up some excuse quickly. So with a soft smile, Namjoon gave in to the urge to run his fingers through Taehyung’s soft and silky blonde hair.

Taehyung naturally leaned into the touch, and as someone who was inclined to skin ship, this wasn’t much to him. But Namjoon was different, touch was almost foreign to him and each time someone did manage to brush against his skin, he shivered in sensitivity.

Big brown eyes were looking at him expectantly, and Namjoon usually wouldn’t be so bold, but he fought down a blush and cast an over exaggerated surreptitious look around, before gesturing for Taehyung to lean down so he could whisper in his ear.

“Don’t tell anyone this, but I knew Agust D in college, we had the same music theory class for an entire semester.” That was the cover up he and Yoongi came up with when they broke things off. It wasn’t anything official, fucking without a label generally complicated things and left them simplified at the same time, but it was necessary when Yoongi gained fame and people began catching on to how suspiciously close they seemed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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