We are cool

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"Hello sweetheart!""Hey mom"I say walking over to her and giving me a passionate hug that was longer than usual."Woah mom um any special reason you gave me that extremely long hug?""Oh Tom it was because of that boy,that moved in across the street,you like him!"As soon as she said that statement that's when my friend liesa popped out of no where. "Tommy,you finally like someone but it is the boy that just moved in?""OMG Liesa I hate you so much!And no I don't like him atleast not in that way." Then Liesa says"Umm you realize neither of us believe you,right?""Yeah and um I was wondering if it was ok if he came tomorrow?"After I made that statement my mother,and friend fangirled and once done they said sure.So of course I felt she would say yes,but as I walked up stairs I put in Tord's number but when I was officially in my room I called him.
Hey um Tord it's Tom.
Oh hey Tom so what did your mom say?
Right um she said yeah but you gotta tell them something about you ok?
Oh and I have a question,will anyone else be joining us three?
Yeah my cool friend Liesa,I think you'll like her.
Oh ok do you think she'll like me back and she'll be my friend too.
Oh yeah she will love you she loves company sometimes.
Oh well I will see you tomorrow.
As he hung up Tom couldn't stop thinking about Tord,he actually stopped feeling insecure about himself.But...Tom was perplexed because he hated the idea.Liking someone he just met!But out of the frustration Tom heard in the hall close to his door."OMG!Ms.Night!His name is Tord,what a funny cool name!I can't wait to meet him!""Shut up Liesa!""Tom sweetheart please be cool all of us are excited to meet him ok sweetie?And it is a lovely name."Said my mom."Ok."I said.Then I heard a knock on the door."Tom can I come in,please?"Said Liesa but a little concern."Alright."I say in response. "Hey,Tom I just need to say,if you love this young boy which I am pretty sure you do,um you got two options.You can inbrace it or well do what your dramatically doing now.But save that for stages and the audience.Now can we hug it out cause I feel very unloved with you upset with me."She always makes me laugh but I still hang with her."Wow Liesa that was a terrible speech but...ok."As we hug she starts to ask me somethings about him,but I could barely tell her or my mom nothing."Well there really is nothing to talk about,so yeah that's why he is coming over.His full name is Tord Highs,he is seventeen and we both have something in common so yeah,you'll learn more tomorrow." "Me and you both cheif."Liesa says punching my shoulder."Liesa,Tom board games!"Says my mom.Then Liesa and I looked at eachother and said booooooooooo!at the top of our lungs and still had to play board games!Of course my mother picked,and she chose monopoly,again! "Okay who will go first?""I will Ms.Night!"Says Liesa."Ok so Tom you will go next?""Sure"So as we played Liesa just kept on winning!Mom one once and I won twice,but Liesa won at least eight different times!Then finally Liesa gives one last scream of victory before my mother yells."OK!Game board time is over.Now it is personal time.I will be finding ways to beat Liesa at monopoly.Goodbye."Then me and Liesa shared a good laugh until I got a message from Edd.So I read it.
Tom it is two weeks until the dance!do you have any idea of who you will bring!
No,I don't wanna go to that stupid dance!I don't even know who to take!
But what about the new kid Tom,you two are like the new headline!Tom and the new kid have feelings on the first day!
Whatever Edd,and besides we are just friends.I think,I mean yeah!We are just friends.
Omg Tom you do like him!So what do you like about him,a couple girls say he is cute,do you like him for that reason?
No Edd I,it was because of what he would say,what he would do,say to me.He is just nice!
Aww that's amazing!I thought you would never find love.You should ask him on the dance.
IDK Edd,you coming tomorrow?
No I have been sick lately,so I have to stay home.
K,bye Edd
Bye Tom.

(No Pov)
As Tom and Liesa sat and watched a couple movies.Tord was hesitated what would they say?but even he started rehearsing."Hello my name is Tord Highs. What is yours?" With that one sentence,he felt like it was a start.So then he practiced the rest. But as he said that he realized he was saying the same line for quite a long time.So he decided to see what Tom was doing one last time.He was thinking on whether to call or text.
But instead Tom texted him?!
Hey Tord I hope u rehearsed. Because you r coming. Right?
Yeah,and I did rehears. Why wouldn't I?I hope this goes well...

Wow.A meeting with fam?crazy,but what about Tom's family,do you think they were right about him,or was that game of fun... Let's find out

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