Chapter 1

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Riley POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I sat up in my bed.

My name is Riley Amber Waters. I'm 15 years old and I live in an orphanage. I've been here since I was 6, that was when it happened.

Dad hurt Mom.

Mom and dad would argue alot. I never understood why. Then one day, Dad had enough. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and stabbed mom 15 times in the chest. Doing what mom had taught me to do, I dialed 911 on the small telephone they had in their room. Sadly, my Dad heard me calling, and bolted up the stairs to me.

I had nowhere to go, except for the window behind me. I locked myself in a room and fiddled with the latch on the window. Luckily, I was able to get it open enough for little 6 year old me to slip out.

But I hurt my leg from the fall.

As quick as my little legs would take me, I limped around to the front of the house, where I met the police.

"What happened?" They asked me.
"D-daddy hurt m-m-mommy!" I cried.

My dad was arrested.

I was sent to this hell hole.

I've been here for 9 years now.

I've only ever had 3 friends.

Alex, Jack and Dallon.

(Just so you know, MCR are the only people in this that are actually old enough to get a kid. Therefore, only MCR, Greenday, and maybe some other bands will be making music. Ones like PATD, SWS, FOB and PTV will be teenagers).

I've never met them before, we always Skype each other and play music over Skype.

No one has ever wanted to adopt me.
I'm never what they want.

I'm just the skinny emo kid who stays in their room and listens to music. That's why I hate adoption day. I just stand there and get looks of disgust from people walking past.

Anyway, back to the present.

Reluctantly, I slid out of bed and got ready. I put on my MCR shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. I slid on a pair of black Adidas sneakers, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Hey emo fag," some girl shouted as I walked down.

I just ignored her and went to take out the trash.

As I walked down the street, I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oops, sorry sir," I apologised as I rushed to pick up the trash I had dropped.

"Don't worry about it kid," Someone said.

I looked up to see who had spoke, and saw the one and only, Gerard Way.

Not only did I see Gerard, I saw the WHOLE of My Chemical Romance. (Minus Bob)

I quickly ran passed, embarrassed.

I got the bin and dumped all the trash in.


When I got back to the orphanage, something struck me.

It was adoption day.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Miss Green (day) shouted.

All the people here to adopt turned around and stared.

"I was taking out the trash," I explained.

"You obviously missed a bit," She grinned evily.

"Yeah, I forgot you, sorry," I replied sassily.

Miss Green was pissed now. Oh shit. I thought. Quickly, she slapped me across the face, before turning back to the adults she was talking to before.

"Guys, I think I've found the child!" I voice called from across the room.

I looked over to see Gerard and Mikey Way, looking at me.

Hope you guys liked that chapter! I'll write the next chapter soon! Bye :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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