12 (criticize)

24 1 0

You say girls are fake,
They apply make up,
They wear short skirts,
They wear skin tight clothes,
They spends hours in the salon,
They want to look perfect,
And for what?
Whom do they want to impress?
I'll tell you,
They do it for you.
If you as a society would not have been critisizing their real beauty,
They need not have had to fake perfection.
They did not have had to lock their inner self somewhere deep,
But they do it.
Why, you ask?
Because they are sensitive to your criticizing.
Because they will rather be fake than broken.
That's why.
The seed has its outer sheath to protect it. If you hit the outer sheath the seed will remain, but if you directly hit the seed beneath, nothing will be left of it.

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