Chapter One

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**Pic on the side of Emily**

Emerald's Pov

"Emerald you need to wake up, it's noon dear." My mother sweetly spoke while lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Mom, it's summer why can't I just sleep?" I tirely spoke in my morning voice, while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I opened my eyes to see the Ed Sheeran poster up on the wall in front of me, which made me grin.

"Did you forget what you promised your sister's?"

Crap, I had forgotten all about how I told my three younger sister's I would take them to to the beach today! I grumbled a few choice words to myself while slowly getting out of bed and heading strait for the closet.

It's not as if I dislike my younger sister's as some teen girls do. I freaking love them to death! If anyone were to so much as lay a hand on one of them, they wouldn't see the light of day ever again, I can promise you that. It's just, being the oldest of four means you don't get much (if any) alone time, you are expected to be the epitome of perfection, and you have so many responsibilities it's ridiculous really. But to be honest I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I grabbed my turquoise tankini top, black swim short bottoms, and my blue green swim suit cover-up then rushed into the bathroom to put my long golden blond hair into a messy-bun. After that I brushed my teeth and put my One Direction perfume "Our Moment" on. Then took one last look in the mirror, turned to the side and sighed, "Why am I over weight, why can't I look like the other girls?" I then decided to put some water proof mascara on to highlight my dark blue eyes. Put my fake smile on and headed for the stairs.

I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen to see three platinum blond haired, light blue eyed girls, sitting at the table bickering about who will sit in the front seat on the way to the beach.

Emily (Emi) the 13 year old sarcastic, strait forward, soccer loving, graceful dancing, stick skinny, if you take a picture without her knowing she still looks like a flipping model, Sapphire.

Ember, the 10 year old sweet, nice, encouraging, soccer loving, medium sized, day dreaming, sing so loud you can hear her from outside, Lynn.

And Essa, the 8 year old spunky, loud, sensitive, bubbly, stick skinny, ballerina, who is the only one that got curly hair, Grace.

"You don't have to argue about who's gonna sit in the front, I texted Anthony and told him I'd pick him up." I said jumping up on the counter, grabbing an apple and getting a glass of water. Emily laughed, "You two are never apart for more then a week and you text each other like 24/7! When is he gonna ask you out already?!?" I did a spit take and coughed hysterically. "Yeah! You two are so cute together!" Essa chimed in.

"WE ARE JUST FRIENDS." I stated wide eyed in awe of how they saw Anthony and I, "He's like my big brother, nothing more, end of story."

"Wow, I wish I looked like you E!" Ember exclaimed changing the subject.

I giggled taking a bite of my apple, "Why? You are beautiful just the way you are! Anyway you already look to much like me!" She grinned taking a bite of her Cheese tostie, "True."

20 minutes later,

Now we're all in my truck together on the way to the beach while Anthony keeps messing with the radio. "Hey Anth, how are you and Susan doing?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice. Out of all the people in Australia, he chooses to date the one person I strongly dislike. "Whoa their tiger." He laughs, "I know you dislike her but please, just try to see her the way I do." He suddenly gets serious, "I don't think I'll ever see her the way you see her." I bluntly state, "I'm not like that Anth, you know I'm only into guys." He chuckles for a minute "You know what I mean you pervert! But I'm serious Emerald," I just laugh "Oh, 'Emerald', you must be serious then." I say looking over at him.

"pleeease for me..." He asks with those stupid irresistible puppy eyes that he knows I can't say no to. "But yes I'm dead serious"

"Fine!" I breath out, I know this won't last anyway, I'd never tell him that but why not give him the satisfaction while it does.

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