Two paths that meet at the River (Doctor Who fanfiction)

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Chapter 1

Usually The Doctor saves us; he has saved people, planets, and even the whole universe on certain occasions. But what would we do if the universe didn’t have the doctor, who would be there to save us? I have watched, alone in the shadows for so long now, waiting until the day when the puzzle pieces all fit perfectly together; when that day comes I will know for sure. The true identity of the person that she speaks in complete adoration about, yet in utter secrecy denies those clearly spoken words, or as she says it ‘Spoilers’.

 Being next door in the cells to Doctor River Song is always confusing; however she always will be a mystery that I have to solve; while the endless days pass in Stormcage Containment Facility. I have never seen the daylight sun, or breathed my planets air in thousands of years, although I don’t look a day over 22. I can only call my home The Planet now; even its name  has been lost. Long before the great time war with the Darleks against the Time Lords, there was another. This war was also known as the great time war, until a more modern one took its place. All of the Galaxies of the past fighting against each other, the war that should have decided who owned the universe, but never did. All knowledge of this has been forgotten now, except by me. I was there when my world perished; I was left alone, and when finally I couldn’t hide any more, in refuge on another world they took me and locked me away, a secret that at all costs can never be told. This is why I must meet The Doctor, the man who also fought in his people’s war, who saw his planet burn into dusk, and like me is alone. Doctor River Song doesn’t know me or trust me enough to reveal her closely guarded secrets; despite this I know most of them.

At night, every night he arrives; to take her away for an amazing adventure. This will be my chance at my rightful freedom. Is it a crime for being the last of your kind? The Eternals we were known as, the life forms that can stop ageing, and then start it again whenever they want. Unlike the Time Lords we did not abuse our power or status to achieve goals, also our eternity isn’t a curse, we can die, but only from old age nothing else, if we do not stop our ageing  eventually we will die of natural courses. So some of us may have died at 64, and others at 1037, it was our choice. I do not know why they keep me here because I cannot and will not cause any harm, one day I shall discover the truth in that too, yet for now my freedom will be my biggest priority.

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