Two paths that meet at the River Chapter 2

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As the clock slowly ticks on I wait for my future in the darkness of my desolate cell. Planning how I will make my escape, yet currently I cannot think of anything, Doctor Song is a professional at prison breaking so I will use my knowledge of her skills to my advantage. Then the magical noise of his impossible ship fills the corridors with hope, especially for me.

At this moment he is here, but in another they shall be gone. I have only one option to gain there attention before it is too late, however if this doesn't work this world will become even more darker for me. "Doctor!" my voice screams.

I know that he has herd me, but someone else has herd me too...Suddenly the usual alarms begin to shout, however this time they are not signaling another one of Doctor River Song's frequent escapes. This time they are for me. 

At this exact moment something that I believed wouldn't happen did. As the guards quickly run down the long, damp corridors to make sure that I will stay in my cage, the mystery that is the Doctor presses a button on his device which I believe is known as the Sonic Screwdriver, frees me from my prison, speaking only three words. "Come with us."

Two paths that meet at the River (Doctor Who fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now