Chapter 2: Science Gone Haywire

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Frost's POV

"I think the science groupees and spies are up to something." said Steve. In all honesty he seemed to be right, Tony, Rhodey, Bruce, Caroline, Sharon, Natasha, and Clint were quietly talking at a table. They huddled pretty close together and seemed to be taking down some notes. It's not quite normal for all of them to be together like that, especially Nat being near Tony and not wanting to smack him upside the head. Wanda said, "You know I can read minds right?" Bucky walked over with Pietro followed by Sam, Peter, and Scott.

"Well if we want to find out what they're up too, then maybe Wanda should read their minds." said Peter, Wanda replied, "I said I could doesn't mean I will. I'm not a fan of doing it without people's permission unless totally necessary....When does lunch end?"

"Well unlike most schools they give an hour and half lunch. They want us to learn how to get along and socialize better. Because one day we're all gonna have to work as a team."

"Except Fury, Hill, Coulson, Odin, Pym, and Miss Carter all seem to know what that is. But they never tell us anything about it." said Sam.

I said, "Oh come on Sam, they can't possibly know what's coming."

We then heard snickering at the Science and Spy combo table. We were getting suspicious...This couldn't be a good thing. Scott then snapped his fingers and said, "Why don't I just shrink down and go find out what they're up too?" We all exchanged looks and said, "Go for it." Scott then jumped down and shrunk while calling in Anthony, his flying ant, to take him over. We hoped this would work, we needed to find out what was being planned. About ten minutes later Scott came back and reported.

"This is probably not good, Tony plans to take some things from his dad's garage and office here. He's planning to build an Arc Reactor from scratch."

"Holy shit, we're not suppose to build stuff like that on school property in case of explosions! I've seen his HeroesTube account. His experiment on his new suits videos, everything just fails to work so far, catches fire, or just plan blows up right now." I replied.

"Then we need to tell Mr. Stark and Principal Fury." said Steve, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Scott, and I agreed we would go and report this. I told the twins we would be back shortly after. We made our way to the doors when we saw the Science groupies and Spies look at us. They glared as well...

"Guy's we've been made." said Scott.

We then quickly bolted out of the cafeteria and ran down to Mr. Stark's office first. We caught him as he was leaving his office.

"Oh hello Rogers, Barnes, Dixon, Wilson, Lang. What seems to be the problem?"

We all caught our breathes and Steve said, "We don't mean to bother you sir, but we found out that your son plans to take some things from your garage and office to make an Arc Reactor on school property."

Mr. Stark's eye began to twitch, he was really mad now...

"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK!" he yelled, he started marching down to what we assumed was the cafeteria. We followed and he went in there and walked up to Tony. We stood outside the doors one over the other like in the cartoons. Mr. Stark took the notes and Tony stood up and they started to argue. The others at the group, besides Bruce and Sharon, all glared at us and punched their hands together...We were toast. We quickly left the cafeteria and went down the hall. We needed to see Principal Fury and fast!

Bucky rounded a corner and then backed us up quickly, "Romanoff and Barton are down there. We can't get to Fury's office that way."

I said, "I have an idea." I looked at the ventilation shaft and they followed my line of sight. Bucky took the frame off and we all crawled into the vents. Scott said, "Luckily I have a blueprint of ventilation system in the school."

Sam said, "Uh why do you have that Tic Tac?"

Scott went silent and then said, "No reason don't worry about it. We'll just have to head over the Gym then we'll be there."

We were crawling in the vents over the Gym when suddenly the vents were being hit. We didn't know by what and started freaking out. We ended up falling out and crashing on a training mat in a pile. We all groaned and said a few profanities under our breath, well Steve "Mr. Language" Rogers didn't say anything. We looked up and a few feet away was Natasha, Clint, and Rhodey with dodgeballs all around them.

Our eyes widened as they aimed at us. Steve pulled out his shield and Bucky stood by him, Scott shrunk down and jumped onto Sam's shoulder as his suit's wings activated. I was ready to freeze the dodgeballs that came at me as the onslaught began. Ten minutes in and we hear the doors slam open and a furious Principal Fury sound off...

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" he screamed. Nat, Clint, and Rhodey stopped and pointed at us. "It was them!" They yelled out at him. Fury said, "Do I look like I born yesterday? Go to my office now." All three of them walked out, he walked up to us and said, "Mr. Stark told me enough. Now get back to lunch before I send you five to my office as well." We quickly nodded and ran back to the cafeteria and continued eating our lunch.

Time Skip

School finally ended and I was gonna end up walking home alone, Bucky had to stay and talk with Mrs. Frigga, the school counselor. As I walked down the stairs, I felt a rush of wind go past me and saw a blue blur. Pietro stood in front of me with Wanda, as she fixed her whirlwinded hair.

"Hello Samantha, mind if we join you on your walk home?" said Pietro.

I smiled and said, "Hey guys, sure you can join me. We do live in the same neighborhood after all."

We then started our walk home and talked about how their first day was, classes, teachers, and what happened with the Science groupies and Spies. We stopped at their house and I told them goodbye and if they needed anything I was down the road.

I entered my house and it was quiet, A common a occurrence for me to come home and my parents not to be here. They worked for SHIELD so they had long hours in the office and even longer missions. If they were gonna be gone for weeks or more I would end up staying with Miss Carter. It's that I'm not old enough to stay home alone for that long, it's more for my protection.

My powers didn't come in a lab accident and I wasn't born with them. Hydra kidnapped me and experimented on me. My parents are some of the best SHIELD Agents, so when it was found out that they had a kid, Hydra wanted to use me against them and the organization. I got lucky and was found by Vice Principal Coulson and his Team before Hydra could start brainwashing me. But I was forced to go to Hydra High for a short period of time. I made enemies there and caught a boy's unwelcomed attention. His name is Brock Rumlow aka Crossbones. He's nothing but trouble and makes it known how much he hates Steve. He wanted to date me but I refuse to go out with him. He's not one for listening or taking no for an answer. But I haven't seen him since that day, which I'm grateful for. The only person I ever told about him to was Sharon. She gave me advice and helped me when I needed her.

I sat down and started on what few notes I had to study with. Tomorrow I had a science class with Mr. Pym...Tony was in that class with me. He was about to make my life a living hell.

A/N: If you think I'm hating on Tony you're wrong. My best friend is a huge fan of Tony Stark and she thought this storyline of what we have going was good. I also gave a little backstory for Frost for you all.

Anyway have any predictions of what could happen next? Leave comments and let me know what you think! 😁

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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