Chapter 5

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Miracle POV
Hey loves i was currently getting dressed (mm) i was going to fill out college applications today because Blessing was out doing 'work' he kept facetiming me checking on the baby i texted him say he was alright and he didnt have to call every 5 minutes he said he didnt care and i wasnt about to kill his seed i rolled my eyes not responding to his calls or texts i finish doing what i had to do and i went home but first i got McDonalds when i arrived at home he was here i walked in and he grabbed my arms firmly
"Ouch"he let me go
"Who the fuck told you too leave"
"I had stuff to do just like you im not bouta be cooped up in the house because im pregnant and you out there probably being a hoe"
"Im not being a hoe im getting money so we can be good"
"Illegally"i mumbled
"What am i gonna do if your in somebodies grave yard or in somebodies jail cell Blessing i knewni shouldnt have got involved with you this is why i dont give people the time of day"i shook my head walking away i mean am i wrong? Im pregnant and he's dealing hes barely here at first i wanted him too myself but now i care too much to even let a bitch touch him but i guess he dont feel the same i cant keep pleasing somebody who doesnt wanna do the same he came in the room
Im sorry"
"Its okay i just care to much to even think about lose you"
"I know and i promise imma get out this shit soon"
"Okay" he played the game i didnt care because i knew he wouldnt care and he was gonna keep playing it
"I love you mamas"
"I love you more"
"Do you not want me to play the game"
"I dont care anymore because your gonna play anyways"i shrugged he paused 2K climbing on top of me
"Im sorry"
"For what?"
"For making you sad"
"Oh its okay"
"Okay beautiful"he kissed my lips he rubbed my growing belly he talked to my belly and played with my belly ring and we chilled for the rest of the day

I love moments like this with him....

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