Broken Mirror

411 39 13

R.I.P Ash. You have no idea how I felt when I found out that you had died, I don't know what it took for you to do this, but I know it was for a good reason. Live on in our hearts and you will never be forgotten.

I look into a mirror

A mirror with no reflection

It shows me my life

The times where I'm at my greatest

The times where I breakdown

This mirror makes me think

It makes me realize who I am


It says to me


It screams

I cover my ears

Forcing the words out

They never really left

The mirror shows me my resolution

How it really ends

I squeeze my eyes shut

It can't be

It can't end this way

Not now

I know I am strong

But everything goes wrong

I know I can fight

But everything never seems alright

I know I can thrive

Is it worth trying?

The mirror shatters

Showing me

Now I know what I really am

I am like a broken mirror





The tears run down my face

Staining the face with many sorrows

Each piece is a different part of me






I look closer

The smallest piece is the most important


It’s barely there

I know my hope has died

Fading like the sunset

The pain

It’s rising like a sunrise

I give in to the mirror

Accepting my fate

Did I know all along that this is how it was going to end?

I take a piece of fallen mirror

Scrawled across the surface is how it ends


I take the piece to my wrist

Dragging it slowly across my skin

I fall to the ground

As I feel the life inside fading away

It's not worth the pain

It's not worth the suffering

It's just how life is

I am leaving this world with a message to spread

A message we should all keep in our hearts

Keep strong

Never wither thin

Because it's worth it in the end

Live for a dream

Die from a fight

In the end

Even the strongest of people fall...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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