Early grinding.

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Eddie and Richie sharing a bed was nothing new.

Richie basically lived at Eddie and Stan's place, and most of the time didn't feel like driving home late at night. He could have taken the couch, but where was the fun in that. He and Eddie would stay up and talk about basically everything anyways.

That night Richie had watched a movie with Stan while Eddie did school work. Stan had left them in the living room at 9. They stayed in the living room for a little while longer before migrating to Eddie's room.

Richie and Eddie's cuddling was also not anything new. The two would usually fall asleep pressed against each other. This particular night Eddie had chosen to face away from Richie. As he turned he grabbed Richie's arm and pulled it with him, pulling Richie up against his back.

That was how they fell asleep.

Richie didn't stay asleep for long.

Richie groaned awake as he felt Eddie wiggling beside him. he slowly opened his eye's, the room was too dark to see anything so he just lay there and stared into the darkness at where Eddie would be.

He still had his arm wrapped around Eddie's waist and he was flush up against him back. Eddie was making soft noises and shifting his legs around. Richie still couldn't see but he could feel. One of Eddie's legs would brush against Richie's and the noises he was making would get slightly louder.

Richie figured Eddie was just restless, so he flattened his hand against Eddie's stomach and pulled him closer, trying to stop him from moving.

Richie couldn't have been more wrong about Eddie's cause for moving.

As soon as Eddie was pulled back against Richie his legs stopped moving, instead, he pushed his ass back to rub against Richie.

Richie let out a shaky breath

"Fuck... Eddie?" He quietly asked into the darkness. Eddie didn't reply with words but by grinding his hips back into Richie.

Richie grabbed a handful of Eddie's tee-shirt and held him in place. He didn't have to move, Eddie eagerly moved against him. the soft sounds he was making earlier evolving into full-on moans as he rubbed his ass harder against Richie's quickly growing cock.

Leaning his head forward to lean on the back of Eddie's neck, Richie slowly rolled his hips forward to meet Eddies small thrusts backward. This pulled a high pitched whine from Eddie which encouraged Richie to grind into him harder.

They kept up this back and forth until Richie was fully hard and needing more than just the teasing feel of the fabric of his pajamas rubbing against him.

Richie propped himself slightly up on one arm and tried to look around at Eddie's face. His eyes had adjusted to the dark and he could make out the features of Eddie's face.

His eyes were closed and his brows were raised. His mouth hung open as moans and whimpers poured out. As into everything that was going on as he was Eddie appeared to still be sleeping.

Richie dropped his forehead to rest on the side of Eddie's head, right beside his ear.

"Fuck, Eddie. Seriously." He signed. As much as it pained him, he stopped the rhythm he had going with his hips and pulled himself away from Eddie. Eddie whined loudly and frantically thrust his ass back. Richie sighed as he released the hold he had on Eddie's shirt and went to lift his arm off of him.

"Richie..." Richie heard Eddie moan out softly. Richie froze.  Eddie's hips had stopped bucking back but his legs still shifted uncomfortable, trying to relieve the pressure between his legs.

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