[44] Visiting the Sick

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A/N: MADE IT!  It's still Wednesday where I live so. . . Yeah!  Hasn't been a week and a day yet!  Now here's the chappa! CX

November 9th, Tuesday

Areum's POV-
"I hate being sick. . .," I muttered, as Seulgi brought me some medicine. "It's not like you can be immune to everything," she gave me smile of empathy. I groaned and downed the medicine. "They really need to make these things taste better. . .," I gagged.

My sister placed a hand on my forehead, "I'll go tell the company that." I rolled my eyes. "Get some sleep, and I'll be back during lunch. All you can do now at this point is to let the medicine do it's thing," she stated. I sighed, and felt my life force slowly drain away. "I know you don't like sleeping in all day, but that's the best option for you at the moment," Seulgi reasoned softly. "I know. . ." I muttered.

She placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Be good and get some sleep," she smiled, "I'll be back before you know it!" She got up from the side of my bed and exited the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

I sighed and complied to her orders, as I tried to get comfortable while hugging my stuffed bear, a gift from Seulgi :).

~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, and checked the time on the wall clock: 11:34am. It's been 4 hours since Seulgi left. . . She should be home in a hour or so. . . Not bothering to check the caller ID, I picked up the phone and said a groggy hello.


I pulled the phone away from my ear as soon as I heard someone shout my name. I read the caller ID: WinkGarden. Jihoon. . .but that wasn't his voice. . .

"1: I'm at home
2: I'm sick
3: My internal organs feels like their being crushed by a landslide
4: I'm speaking therefore- yes," I stated bluntly, "And I don't appreciate the yelling."

"Sorry, that was Haknyeon. . ," Jihoon's voice answered this time, "He was a bit worried that you weren't here. . ."

"Oh really?- I couldn't tell."

"Sarcasm's not appreciated!," Justin shouted a distance away from Jihoon's phone.

"Does it sound like I care about your opinion at the moment?"

"Oof-, a sick Areum is a sassy Areum," Hwall stated.
"She's always sassy. . . Or at least a smart ass," Woojin retorted.

"It's true!"

Donghyun chuckled, "It's nice to hear your doing okay! Is your sickness serious?"

"Thanks for worrying, but no. My temperature's just too high for me to go to school."

"Well, you were always too hot for school~"

"Haknyeon, gtfo."

"I'm hurt, Areum~"


"And now he's in a corner trying to grow mushrooms," Eric informed, "Hyung! Stop acting like a child!"

Woojin's POV-
We heard Areum on the other side of the line laugh. "Hey, do you want us to visit you after school?," I suggested getting the phone from Jihoon.

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