Chapter 10

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Marcus's Pov

I watched her leaving untill she disapeared,but I dont thing she got what I meant by go out..she didnt thought of it like a date..gash..I went inside and went back to sleep

Irina's Pov

First of all I went home to change and shower,when I showered I put on some sweats and went to get the lovesac I ordered..I ordered 2 so they finally arrived yayy..After that I went to get some stuff for the apartment.When I came back I throw myself on the bed because I was really exousted..I was shopping for few hours so now it was around 3 pm..Then I thought to myself why I dont just start a youtube channel?It was always one of my biggest dreams,anyways I always feel happy and full when I make someone know I have a fanpage shhh..I have both one for marcus and one for all the brothers..but I never told them..So I went on youtube and opened a channel..then I downloaded Ae (program for editing) I learned how to edit by watching youtube I decided to film a Q&A,but then I realised I dont have a camera..gash do I have to go to the shop again oh man..I guess I will just ask for questions on my fanpage and go buy a camera..I got the keys and got up but then my phone rang..It was Scott,I answer

Me:Hey boyy,how are you?
S:Hey,why so happy huh?
Me:What do you mean? How are you tho?
S:Dont worry Im okay,but you tell me what happened
Me:Alrightt,well you know about the party and when we were together in the park..
Me:Chilll,noo listen..
S:Cmonn you ruined my mood,I got so happyyy
Me:Sorryy,but I forgot my keys of the apartment at the table in the club so Lucas took them,but since I thought I lost them..I spent the night in their apartment.There was no other place except the couch soo Marcus wanted to sleep down on the floor,so he did but he couldnt sleep so I invited him in the couch together..when Lucas got up he took one pic I will send you later okay..but nothing happened
S:It will soon dont worry
Me:Thanks Cutie for everything,but I gotta go buy something
S:Alright have a nice day
Me:And you have a good night

We both laughed and hang up,I went out of the building and when I was about to tirn right I bumped into Marcus so we almost kissed..

"Wow sorry" I pulled back slowly smiling shyly

"Its okay,are you alright?" He put his hands on my sholders

"Yes,thanks" I smiled

"Where are you going by the way?" He looked at me

"Umm..." I didnt really wanted to tell him because I dont want him to think that i use him for subscribers

"Its okay,its not my business anyways" he looked down,like he felt uncomfortable

"No,its not that..Im just going to buy I a camera" I looked at him

"Camera?For taking pictures or?" He was serious

"Of course yea,I love photography you already know If you saw my instagram" I giggled

"Yes you do" He giggle too

"But now,I decided to start a youtube chanel,and no,its not beacause I met you or anything,its just been very long time since I wanted to start but I was scared of judging and stuff,but now I feel ready to do it..Its one of my dreams..also I love making people makes me feel happy and filled

"Wow,that just amazing" he has huge smile on his face

"Thanks Marcus" I smile

"Can I come with you?" He looked at me like he begged me to say yes

"Of course you can,I actually need help about which camera" I laugh

"Yea right" he laugh and we both head to the store

We got to the store,it was so many options and he also helped me a lot not only with the camera also with all the stuff I needed..I payed and we went out

"I cant be thankful enough" I kissed his cheek

"Anytime you need" he smile huge

"Thank you,Thank you,Thank youu!!" I said like 100 times and jump around,I was so happy,not just about the camera,about the fact that Im starting one of my biggest dreams and the most important I have my love next to me

"You are actually that happy?" He giggle

"Yesss I amm,are youu?" I giggle and look at him

"I am, why wouldnt be?" He laugh

"Cmon lets go get ice cream..At least I can do is to get you Ice cream cmonn" I smile

"No you dont have to,thank you is enough,anyways I wanted to help you" He looked at me

"Cmonn pleasee" I looked in his eyes,I didnt even realise how close of his lips I was untill he stared at my lips,but I like being close so I didnt pulled back I just stare at his lips..I could feel his breathing on my lips..he got closer but his phone rang

"Sorry.." I blush and got a step back

"I am sorry.."he was kinda disapointed but answered his phone..

We kept walking, he was talking to Lucas about youtube stuff..

"I actually need to go..they need me for the video" he looked sad

"Oh its alright" I rubbed his shoulder

"I dont like leaving you like this in the middle" he was seious

"Its okay Marcus, I understand" I give him a smile

"Gash you are just amazing" I shh beacuse I was suprised what Im hearing

"Thanks" I finally said when I remembered how to talk

"I was just honest" when he said that my heart melted

"I really need to go now" he said

"Yes sure,but I owe you Ice cream" I smiled while he was walking away

"You owe me nothing" he smile and left

He is so cute I cant..

I hope you enjoyed 😻

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