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  Tootsie is a very introvert girl. She is quiet and calm. People might say she looks like she doesn't care, an insolent girl who despise others, but that is not true. She is very sweet and very kind, she just doesn't find herself to show it, neither there has been somebody who had made her full enough to show those kind of emotions to the public that often. Is very hard to picture her all jumpy and joyful. Probably a characteristic she got from her mother.

In fact! She seems so emotionless that you can't even tell what she is actually thinking or how she is actually doing! Many have asked her but she always gives the same two word answer: 

In fact! She seems so emotionless that you can't even tell what she is actually thinking or how she is actually doing! Many have asked her but she always gives the same two word answer: 

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But of course she is not fine at all! Every time she sees her two parents fighting over whatever shenanigans they came upon she can't help but feel... It's her fault.

  That she is just:  

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  That she is just:  

An unwanted kid

She should have never been born.

An unwanted kid.

A trouble-maker  

A trouble-maker  

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  But I guess... That's fine... Right?... I mean- she hasn't tried anything... Yet... Than just to cope with it. She sees her parents telling her how much they love her but she can't help but think they are lying... She wants to believe them, she really does, but the fights they will get into from her perspective are very heart breaking. They don't mean to fight, they really don't, but "too many jokes and sugar can sometimes be harmful... But at the end is treatable."

【Fanchild Story】❝TOOTSIE❞ 【Cuphead】Where stories live. Discover now