Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My mom for her birthday (:

Chapter 8

"Have you decided what song you will be singing this week?" Demi asked me, once I entered the studio for rehearsals. I grunted in response and threw my black tote bag on the hard wooden floor infront of a mirror and sat down, my back up against the mirror.

"I take that as a no then," Demi said and turned on her heel and walked out of the studio. I took in a big breath and let it out - the sound echoing through the empty studio.

I waited for about ten minutes before the door to the rehearsal studio opened, and revealed a carefree looking Harry. I took in his appearence of a pair of grey baggy sweatpants, some white converse, a Abercrombie & Fitch navy blue tight fitting t-shirt and a light blue beanie on top of his curly brown locks.

"Look, you need to pick a song Maddie." Harry said, crouching down next to me. Did he just give me a nickname? No one except my best friends and family call me that.

"I don't know any of your songs except for that Your Beuatiful song or whatever, and that other popular one about that one thing." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Harry chuckled and sat down next to me, spreading out his legs infront of him.

"I'll help you, okay?"

I nodded, he was being surprisingly nice to me today - well after all he was supposed to be my fake boyfriend.

"And don't get to used to me being nice, I'm just playing the part of a supportive boyfriend." Harry said, grinning cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes, of course. He stood up and held a hand out to me. I took it reluctantly and stood up. He started walking towards the studio door and I followed behind him slowly, unsure of where we were going.

He led me to his Audi and took the keys out of his sweatpants pocket, and unlocked the car. I got into the Audi, carefully, and plopped down in my passenger seat. Damn it, I left my bag in the studio.

"Harry? Where are we going?" I asked, as we drove out of the parking lot of the studios, passed the X Factor house and onto the highways of Los Angeles. I grunted when he didn't answer me and took out my phone, logging onto twitter.

"You should tweet saying your going out to lunch with me at Cafe La Boheme." Harry said, glancing over at me quickly before turning his attention towards the road. I didn't ask why because I knew I wouldn't get an answer, so I did what he told me to do.

'@Official-Maddie_Kloe: Going out to lunch at Cafe La Boheme with @Harry_Styles. :) xx'

I sent the tweet, and watched as my mentions had blew up. Some people were asking if we were dating, others were sending me messages that probably shouldn't be repeated, and then the rest were telling me to have a nice time at lunch. I smiled and logged out of twitter, slipping it into my skinny jeans pocket. I looked at Harry's attire and then back at mine, two completely different outfits.

Mine was simple, but not lazy like Harry's was. I had on a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain white short sleeved top, and my black hightop converse. Then Harry had on his lazy attire, which he wore when he came into the studio.

"Aren't you a little under-dressed?" I asked, chuckling slightly.

He shrugged, "It's not like theres a dress-code there."

I nodded, and we rode in silence to Cafe La Boheme in silence. Once we arrived there, I climbed out careful not to slam the door of his Audi - I will always treat his car like glass because it's an expensive piece of metal. Harry rolled his eyes and came around to my side and slipped his hand into mine. I was about to pull it away and ask what his problem was but then I remembered we were 'dating'.

Harry Styles is my boyfriend ... Wait - What!?Where stories live. Discover now