Chapter 1

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Error- destroyer of all AU's. Emotionless. Wouldn't hesitate to kill

Ink- Creator of all AU's. Emotional. Wouldn't harm a fly

Ink was at his post drawing on a canvas a new AU (Or so we thought) he was swiping his brush from left to right, perfecting this new "AU" until suddenly a portal opens up in front of him and error steps through. Error walks up to the small skeleton and leans against the canvas

"HeYa InK. WhAtChA dOiNg¿"

"Oh you know... just creating another AU an-"

Error rips the canvas out off inks hand and crumples it into a tiny ball and throws it behind him (into one of errors portals)

"HEY!!! I was really proud of that one"

"WeLl NoT aNyMoRe. FrEsH iS hOsTiNg An AU PaRtY, wAnNa TaG aLoNg WiTh Me¿"

Ink seems confused as he itches the brush on the side of his skull

"An AU Party? What AU party?"

"FrEsH aLwAyS hAs An AU PaRtY wHeN iT iS hIs BiRtHdAy" error added

"Ah ok. Well, I had nothing planned to today so why not. What could go wrong?"

(Or so he thought)

Inks starts to get ready while error waits for him. As ink loves is art/work clothes, he proceeds to wear it to the party. Error waits impatiently for his crush (who he refuses to tell) until ink declared himself to be ready

"I'm ready error"

Error opens up a portal directly linked to Fresh's AU and they both step through. Both of them looked left to right in amazement with how many Sans's turned up to the party (well... it's more of a house party but it doesn't matter)


"GeT oFf Me!¡!" Error screamed

"YO chill out dawg. Look, just have some fun and get smashed k bruh?"

"Yeah come on error what is the worst that can happen?" Ink replied

"GeT dRuNk AnD dIe" error added

Ink looked disappointed at the glitchy skeleton and pulled him to the dance floor.

"C'mon error. Don't be a negative Nancy and have some fun"

Error rolled his non-existent eyes and proceeds to partake in the party. He starts chatting to ink and offers him a drink. Ink nods his head and they both head towards the 'bar' (the kitchen)

"I'm HaViNg VoDkA, wHaT aBoUt YoU iNkY- uHhHhHh InK?"

"pppfffttt 'inky' hee hee hee I'll have the same thanks" Ink giggles


Error pours out 2 vodkas and slides one along to ink.
They pass on conversations to eachother, adding drinks on top of each one and they both become under the hypnotism of alcohol. Their conversations became slurred and poorly punctuated.
Error gets emotional when he drinks and a few unexpected words fell out of his mouth.

"UuUhHhHh LoOk, I'vE kNoWn YoU fOr A lOnG tImE nOw AnD i'Ve BeEn... FeElInG uNeXpEcTeD tHiNgS tOwArDs YoU. i-I-i ThInK i LiKe YoU iNk..."

Ink... As himself has been drinking had an unexpected reaction towards error's words.

" Hee hee... I'm not going to lie to you error... I have had those same feelings towards you as well. You know the canvas that you tossed away? That wasnt a new AU. That was a gift for you. I was going to tell you how I felt towards you, but what better way to tell it than to tell it in person huh?"

Error, suprisingly widened his 'eyes' in disbelief. Was shocked... but happy to hear that he wasn't rejected.

"Sooo, error. Since we both feel the same way for eachother, do you... maybe want to start something with it?"

Error, for the first time in a while showed an honest and pure smile. He caressed inks cheek in content and happiness.

"We ArE wAaAaAaY tOo DrUnK tO sTaY hErE"

"Agreed" ink added

Error hinted to go upstairs and to 'talk' out this relationship together. Ink got the hint and followed him upstairs.
Error opens the door for ink to invite him in. Ink passes him and he places a tie on the door and shuts it.
This is going to be one hell of a night he thought.

((Thank you for reading the first chapter! Please tell me what you think as this is my first comic in chapters. If there are any mistake, do not be afraid to point them out to me. They will help me. Once again thank you and I hope to see you around))

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