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              this is my first book

  (y/n) = your name 

(e/c) = eye color

(l/n) = last name

(bf/n) = best friend's name

(h/c) = hair color

          (y/n) pov

Your  parents abused you, you get bullied. Your (bf/n) was the only one to understand you.

 * time skip*

Your alarm clock woke you up. you got up, toke a shower, got dressed into a (f/c) shirt and black ripped skinny jeans and (f/c) shoes. Time to go you thought. you get bully by (e/n) and her gang. (bf/n) was your only way to get away from the world. Your brother  went missing four years ago and your parents blame you for it. When you were little you had four other friends but they went missing to there parents dead, brother missing, sister dead. Their names were Liu woods, Jeff woods, Ben, and Toby. But they went missing with your bother. " hey (y/n." (bf/n) says. "Hey" you say. " Did you hear about the killing that happen last night" she says. " no i didn't why" you say. " Its all over the news" she says. " remember what happens when i go home i don't get to do anything now" you say. Your parents don't care for you. They starve you, lock you up in your room the only time you can get out is if your going to school, cooking them dinner, get beaten by them and do chores. Ur (h/l) (h/c) hair blow in the wind as u walked home. U went through the woods and saw a tall finger in the shadows. It came up to u. u didn't run, scream, get scared. U stood there motionless not scared, no fear, nothing. " h-hi" u stuttered out. " Arnt you going to run" 'it'  said. " No why would i and if ur going to kill me just do it" you said. "  My name is slender man" he said. " i'm (y/n)" you say.

     Slender mans pov 

  She seems different. I don't know why though. Toby, Jeff, Liu, Ben and Jake have been talking about her. She seems special to them. " you know i can read you mind" she says " o-oh" i said with a stutter.

Ticci Toby  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now